
@tippy - Ping - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service

Pong @klye!

Ping returned
STEEM Text-2-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving a Post

@tippy - Help - Steemit Tip Bot

Need Some Help @klye? Check out the Table of Available Commands Below:

NOTE: Items Marked With Asterisks () are Admin Only Functions!

Accounts are Automagically Created.
No Need to worry about passwords, keys or registering.
Simply Deposit Any Amount of STEEM or SBD & Get Tippy!
tipSends STEEM / SBD Tip @tippy tip klye 1.337 STEEM
powerupPowerUp a User with STEEM@tippy powerup ned 0.69 STEEM
balanceCheck Account STEEM & SBD@tippy balance
statsDisplays Statistics @tippy stats
infoReturns Information & Fee@tippy info
pingCheck Status of Tippy Service@tippy ping
voteUpvotes Parent Post@tippy vote
flagFLags Parent Post@tippy flag
feeChanges Tip PowerUp Fee@tippy fee 1%
debugToggles Console Debug Display@tippy debug on
uptimeinfoEnables Uptime Output in Console@tippy uptimeinfo on

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot

Welcome Back @klye! Here is Your Current Balance:

@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62630.85
ETH 2463.74
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.61