Guess Who is a Top 19 Witness..!?

in #blog8 years ago

As of a few hours ago and the renewal of support from STEEM legend @smooth I'm now officially ranked #17 meaning I've finally hit my top 19 witness goal set months ago.

I've spent the day getting a new dedicated server running in order to strengthen my witness infrustructure and will be keeping my current witness server as a fail-safe backup.

( Look at me all fancy and #17 - screencap from )

My spirit is feeling a bit lifted and my motivation has begun to fire back up. A massive thank you to all of you who have voted my witness, helping me achieve a long term goal of mine.

Next Goal is Witness #1 Rank, Prepared to Work Hard!

Vote @klye for Witness!

( Currently Holding Down Rank #17 ... TOP 19 BABY, YEAH)

A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!


Grats :)

You're next! ;)

Lol - I still have a little ways to climb, but I'm working my way there ;)

She is right you are next @timcliff :)

<3 cheers Tim! Thank you kindly!

Nice @klye !

Win! Very Win!


Sounds sticky! XD

Productive stickies of a top 19 witness. :)

looks like my desktop...


Pretty pumped! A good boost to morale for sure and a great motivator moving forwards to hit my next goal of rank #1.

I just realized I hadn't upvoted you as a witness haha done now!

Up to rank 15 I go!

Congratulations! Expecting great things from you :)

Thanks man!

This has certainly been a help in getting my psyche back to where it needs to be. Excited to get back home in the next few days and get back into the grind.

Congrats @klye , great to see you moving up in the ranks! Making #1 your next goal is a bit ambitious though, maybe try for top 10 first? Anyhoo, keep up the good work! ;-)

No sense shooting for a low target when I'm only 16 spots from my new goal.. :D


Thanks Reddust. You are a sweetheart.

Congrats! I'd go celebrate with a big steemy pile of poutine.

That is a decent idea sir! Although I had a big spaghetti supper not to long ago..!

Well-deserved friend, for your great work, greetings.

Hail! Hope all is well. Thanks for the appreciation and praise.

congrats! :)

Thank you sir!

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