5000+ Posts on Steemit.com

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Well damn! Seems while spamming poor @tippy for testing purposes I'd missed my 5000 posts on Steemit achievement and forgotten to celebrate it!

Nearly a year ago I stumbled onto the site and the now defunct Steemit slack room as nothing more than a misguided lazy troll. None other than @ned corrected my asshattery. Back then I'd never have thought I'd end up being so accepted and becoming a celebrated member of our STEEM network, let alone becoming a top 20 witness or service developer.

In some ways in the past 5000 posts and past year I've grown to become a part of STEEM, our community and it's future. STEEM has changed my life.

A massive shout out to all my friends, family, fans, allies and enemies. Without you I'm just a weirdo that draws dicks on MS-paint! <3 Thank you!


A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!

( STEEM.GLOBAL is ONLINE! Get a Fauceteer Subscription Today! )

Congratulations for your achievements dear friend @klye those 5000 stands is a great job, accompanied by a large audience of followers treading the 1100
To continue their success !!!!!

Thank you very much Nano!

It is a hell of an achievement and made me smile.

Thanks for the comments and support. Have a good one!

Cheers! How can you end up on the Steem slack being misguided? This is intriguing. Take care @klye! I hope Steem price will go up 10 times in the next year like it did in the last 2 months. Cheers!

Probably a combination of lack of sleep and being a bit too fried on the devils lettuce. Also my typing and writing style is on par with some sort of inbred mongoloid sheep herder so I often mean to say one thing and something completely the opposite manages to find itself written down. :P

<3 Thanks for the friendship and support my French Canadian Comrade.

Aw man @klye! You're awesome!

Oh Stahp. You is awesomer..!

that's a lot of activity congrats on the achievement

Almost a year of Steemit.. It's been a great year.


Transfer all your Steem Power to meeeeeee

Nuuu. You gibz me SP plox. :D

LOL. You didn't actually has to send me STEEM you silly fire.

Take this! Its dangerous to go alone.

Congratulation :)

Thank you.

Oh shit I forgot to celebrate a milestone of my own! OoO;;


Happens to even the 1337est of us!


l337 speak? oh my...

Great job. I am approaching the first 1K :-). Still a long way to go.

You will get there! Just keep active!

I love a milestone post, believe me!

WTG Klye, that is a yuge one buddy.

I've noticed you have stepped up your post count game, I fear for my #9 position now, I see you in the mirror behind me man!

Scratch that, I fear for my #8 position LOL, I just checked and I am now beating a bot! Take that Linkback-Bot!

You are doing such great things my friend, Steem On.

Jesus. Top 10 is something to be proud of Barry. You are a machine.

I was telling a friend today about you man. I was out at the Nursing Home visiting his mom and took her the candy and gifts I made for her today!

Spreading the good word. Thanks man!

Keeo on Keepin' On Barry!

I was out most of the day y-day so like way behind on replies still, but I noticed you sending tips by @tippy to me last nite during the


but I was tied up with laundry and blogs and was not sure what to say too LOL

Thanks for that and thinking of me. Were you testing it still and just sending out stuff to check different settings? Is it ready to go?

You have blogged on this I think with an update, so I will check in on your page later man, I saw something come up in my feed about your Code Child you have created LOL

I was just dicking about testing some stuff. Not a biggy.

Still a few more functions to be implemented. But it's getting there!

You are the man Klye.

I will actually be posting a picture and post later of my visit to the nursing home to see my friend there, I made her something for Mother's Day.

You are very talented man but even you cannot build an app to replace that time to honour the elders. There is no payout or inflation rate.

Just sitting with and engaging people who often get left behind in their last days, that has always bothered me.

Have a super week buddy.

I've got to email my Mother here shortly. Was a long while in my life I took my parents for granted and viewed them as enemies. Now that I've gotten older and calmed my ass down a bit it's a lot nicer to see my parents, they certainly tried their best. Can't complain about my family really at the end of the day.

Appreciate the kind words and support. I've got ~20 years to code and launch a legacy before AI takes over putting me out of business.

<3 Take er easy Barry. I'm around if you need someone to talk to.


  • since are so entertaining, like I said last weekend lol....


Week 2 is up, why don't you stop by, share the post or let people know w that hashtag?

Can we beat last weekend's successful community engagement and comments?

I've asked @papa-pepper to stop by with his hot peppers and have fun with the group around the fire!

Remember this post runs all weekend, every weekend!!!

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