Living With Anxiety

in #blog6 years ago

I deal with anxiety. Some days it doesn't bother me - other days it becomes so overwhelming that it makes simple tasks almost impossible. I recently just got a job at this sushi restaurant called Sushi King; hooray. So far I am really enjoying it, so I have no reason to be anxious, but every day before my shifts I sit there and psych myself out of wanting to go to work. If you don't have anxiety than you may not really understand how a person could do that. Let me try to explain as best as I can.

Having anxiety is like being completely filled with butterflies. Instead of just your stomach fluttering - your entire body does. You're nervous to do things that you do all the time; things that are completely natural to you. Imagine a time in your life where you were really nervous to do something then intensify that by one hundred. That is what it feels like when I am anxious except I may not even have a particular reason as to why I feel that way. It comes on as quickly as it goes away, and anything can trigger it. For those who haven't had to deal with anxiety I am truly envious. For those who have - then you feel my pain.

The reason that I am writing about my anxiety is mainly because when I talk about it; it helps relieve the tension. Also because one thing that made me more anxious was being around people and being afraid to be anxious. Which is silly. So I am saying this in hopes that people understand and are more comfortable and welcome to people who may be dealing with this as well. I am truly touched when my friends and family make sure that I am comfortable and happy so I want others to make sure their loves ones are as well. Some people aren't as comfortable to talk about how they are feeling like I am. So it's important to check up on them and talk openly with them so they can feel comfortable with being open and accepted.

To me the main thing about having anxiety is wanting to be accepted still in spite of it. So understanding it and helping others understand it makes the anxiety of not being accepted go away. When other people can listen, understand, and respect who you are it really makes you glow. Yes - there are going to be moments where anxiety is inevitable. But having people help you through it that understand you make it all that much easier. So I am learning to push through my anxiety so that others will learn and help me - help myself. Lets make the world a better place by starting to grow and glow by ourselves and by helping others do so as well. So thank you sincerely for accepting me as I am and helping me do so.

Kat Rae

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