Human vs Acne

in #blog7 years ago

CW: mentions of blood, genitals, reproductive health

Gross cystic acne

It hasn’t even been a week since I started taking T but I am already feeling the side effects. However, it’s the one side effect I had been dreading on this journey.




I can confirm to you that this isn’t pre-menstrual syndrome as I chart my menstrual cycle with Clue.

Clue: the gender neutral period tracker that all TERFs hate
Clue: the gender neutral period tracker that all TERFs hate because menstruation is apparently cis female exclusive so the app has to be covered in butterflies, flowers and pink just like a gender reveal party

During my late teens, my acne peaked and I don’t know who or how but I somehow got my hands on a bottle of tea tree oil that no one else was using.

It helped me a lot with not only my acne but when I was having unusual discharge.

My younger self figured out the hard way that tea tree works best diluted (for wider applications) or in 1-2 drops (for spot treatment). Once I had dried out my face and it felt like chapped lips but on my face. Never again!


Since I have finally reunited with a nice 25ml bottle of tea tree oil today, I cannot say for sure how quickly it will fix my breakouts but I will like to leave a confident note by saying, things will get better sooner than expected.


You should consider going Vegan @brianturner cured his Severe Cystic ACNE through diet after trying everything else and failing. He has a ton of content documenting his journey.

I actually talked about why I am unable to pick up veganism on my old blog but the TL;DR is that I am in a small small third world town and that I am very poor. Perhaps I can crosspost it.

It is actually easier then you think what vegetables do you have access to ? And do you have access to rice? If you want to I can figure out a vegan menu for you with hat you have where you are. Obviously it will not be the fancy stuff but you are not alone even though I live in the rich U.S I can very seldom afford the fancy stuff.

Has it occurred to you that if someone has put enough thought in going vegan that they blogged about it, they probably know more about their circumstances than you do? I'm pretty sure @kathtea has examined the options, and just because their conclusion wasn't what you'd like it to be, doesn't mean you know better.

Thank you @didic.

Fruits & vegetables with the proper nutrition to replace animal by-products are mainly imported from overseas. It's already bad enough that the Malaysian ringgit is weak so what's only $10 in the US is 40-50 Ringgit in Malaysia.

I'm only earning 200 to 300 ringgit a month and I have yet been approved to get allowance for my disability.

I think I should do a write-up detailing my reasons for not pursuing veganism, at least, not right now.

@kathtea I personally live off of 60-100 U.S on food monthly in the U.s and know very well how hard things can be. People often do not know how little is needed to be vegan and what little variety is needed to stay healthy as vegan. That being said I do not know what you have access to as you said you live in a small town and just wanted to see if it is feasible for you or not. I know that noodles, rice and tofu are wildly available in Malaysia but I do not know what the prices are on your budget. these three alone take care of protein and carb needs base wise. I also know that coconut is used in making nasi lemak so good fats would be taken care of too. For the missing vitamins fruit and some veggies would be needed Sipiyuon is a great green I know grows in Malaysia but I don’t know if you can get it in your area. This is the reason I wanted just to see what you can get to, to see if it can be done. If you are not ready to share it is ok I just wanted to make sure that you had the right idea as know so many people think that a lot more is needed to thrive on a vegan diet then really is. As is my offer stands- if you ever want to discuss it I am here, if you do not it is your right to and I am not going to push the issue.

@didic Often people have misconceptions on what is needed to go vegan it happens all the time so I wanted to see if this is the case and if yes help. Also you have no idea of the places I have lived or not so please do not assume you know anything about me either.

I may not know where you've lived, @tygertuger, but I know where you live now, because you mentioned it. And I know where @kathtea lives.

There's a difference between helping and preaching. Your first comment? That was fine. But once @kathtea explained that this is something she considered and has written about, following up with "it's easier than you think," is incredibly condescending.

I'm sure you mean well, but once someone says "I have considered this and have made an informed decision," continuing to push is not truly helpful.

@didic it is helpful if kathtea is unaware of what ia needed to stay healthy as vegan as the stuff posted in the west makes it look complicated and costly! I personally live off of 60-100 U.S on food monthly in the U.s and know very well how hard things can be. People often do not know how little is needed to be vegan and what little variety is needed to stay healthy as vegan. In Malaysia there are a whole array of foods and local fruits and vegetables we do not have in the west that are more than adequate. However you would not know this if you look at what is presented online when people discuss veganism so yes it is helpful as it is unclear what data Kathtea was working off of. This was why I asked and wanted to help. Whatever needed saying at this point has been said in my two responses to kathtea and I am done discussing it unless kathtea wants to. Also you assumed and passed judgment on me without knowing anything really about me, did you ask what I know about the country> -Nope … So basically you are accusing me of the very same behaviour you are engaging in …

In a sense, you're right. But context matters. And the context is you coming in to the comments of my pal with unsolicited advice, and then not backing down when it was made pretty clear you should. You lose some benefit of the doubt when you do that. In any case, I think I'm done littering @kathtea's comments with this argument.

Things will get better, my stepson, has been on T for 4 years, it's been a journey for him.

Thank you.

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