Five Facts About Me as Challenged by @condra

in #blog7 years ago

#1 I have a cat named Jesus

A few years ago, I took a stray cat into my house, she had 3 kittens and one of them was Jesus. I named him that because he has a white cross on his back and I thought it would be funny. Whenever I go to the vet with him, I can hear the receptionist laughing in the background. (If you look at the frame with the clock in it, you can see how I dressed him up for Christmas.)

I built this cool run for him out of shelves and so that he can look down on us when we are eating dinner.

#2 I'm mad into photography and that got me into drones

I had a very ambitious plan of mounting my DSLR onto a drone so I built my own one. It ended up being a huge death trap and hence why I have it sitting in my attic at the moment. If anyone knows what to do with it let me know.

I got some sense though, bought a Phantom 3 and now I have a Mavic Pro.

Here's one of the photos from it:

#3 I prefer scrambled eggs done in the microwave

It looks like shit but tastes delicious. Eggs, butter, salt and pepper and just throw it in there!

#4 I tear the tags off all my clothes

They wreck my head, why do companies keep putting them on! This is what all my clothes look like when I rip them off:

#5 I can do this with my fingers

Try bend only the last part of your finger.


The tags can be a pain😂

Big time! They're just annoying!

Go easy on them though 😂

Thought I was the only one who do this finger thing 😂

I remember one of the first times visiting and you asked me "have you met Jesus?" LOL

Praise the lord!

The cat looks cute

He looks cute but he scratches anyone new he comes near to :D

I've been hurt. By Jesus. :(

Jesus is love!

Jesus looks as evil as ever xD

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