How conserving energy affects your life

in #blog7 years ago

What powers our homes, cars, and keeps our lives in motion. Energy is necessary to keep businesses alive, and even we need sources of energy to sustain ourselves each day. The question is how can you and I save money by conserving our energy? How can we both save money without having to buy into the most eco-efficient but expensive products?
From taking one of my biology classes from university, Ecology, this is what I gathered.
The famous words, reduce, reuse and recycle are true.

Reusing tupperware or glass bowls for lunch and meals can go a long way. You're not only reducing the amount of wasted plastic from entering landfills, you're saving a pretty penny every year from having to buy disposable containers.
You're helping to cut down on garbage production and Carbon dioxide emissions! This is so important because the increase in Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is contributing to so many environmental issues like acid rain and smog.
Simply remove any charging cables or appliances from outlets
This might seem medial but you would be surprised how much energy those appliances and chargers are sucking up when they're not in use. Not only is this a waste of energy but you're losing some money since you have to pay for the use of that energy. That's no beuno if you ask me.

Unplugging power cords from outlets reduces the amount of standby power spent and energy wasted. Just this simple task can save a ton for yourself and the environment.
Reduce airconditioning consumption
I know what you're going to say, this is unreasonable since summer is creeping up on us! Yes, that's true but is it possible to use the air conditioning and turn it off when the temperature reaches the desired level? In the article Air Conditioning, it was brought out that air conditioners use about 6% of all the energy produced in the United States ( Additionally, 117 million metric tons of Carbon dioxide is released into the air every year, which contributes to the poor air quality and pollution. By shutting off the air conditioner when the room or car has reached the proper temperature can save energy and prevent unnecessary Carbon dioxide from entering the air.

These are just a few ways to be reasonable with energy consumption because this will not only help the environment, it will save you and I money. If each person makes even one change to reduce their energy consumption, the planet will benefit so many times over. Obviously there are some things that require us to consume energy on a regular basis, but there is room for improvement.
I hope you found this information helpful. Leave a comment on what you think and if I should do more posts like this that relate to Ecology.
Please feel free to also follow me @kajalpats for more posts on a variety of topics. Thanks for reading and steem on!
"Air Conditioning." Air Conditioning Department of Energy. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.


A very helpful post for everybody, it made me think a lot!

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