in #blog7 years ago

HELLOW ,steemians today i will teach you how to become writer!!
Many people have the talent but lack the proper habits to be a writer; therefore, they lack the proper motivation to learn the basic skills and mindset required. The mindset of writer is different than those who do not write.

Make it as easy as possible to write, and the best way of doing this is by creating a routine. For best results follow your routine everyday, it will increases your skill and productivity.

What is a Routine?
A daily routine is a chain of habits, actions, and events you do on a daily basis.

When creating your writing routine make it the same time everyday. Find when you are most alert and your awareness is at its peak, and construct a daily routine around that time frame, your focus and productivity will skyrocket. Daily routines need to be automatic. The purpose of a routine is so your writing has better chance to flow effortlessly.  

Golden Rule
The more you write, the better you get.

Few Tips
Make writing routine when you are most alert
Make a writing schedule at the same time everyday
Find conditions that make the writing process easier
Find comfort
Note: Everyone has their own routine and it is your job as a writer to find the ideal conditions that best suite your needs as a writer. Create a routine and stick with it. Almost every great writer has a routine they follow. Do this and it will pay dividends. You are a writer, be a writer and write.

  1. Awareness
    Writers are rarely bored. Why? Because they are constantly observing the world around them, catching details unnoticed to others, hearing what is not said. They have the ability to dive into other peoples shoes and imagine what it would be like to possess their feelings and reactions. This is a great talent often overlooked by others and hard to understand if you are not a writer. Writers observe and evaluate through their sense.

Record your observation
Practice the habit of awareness
Tips on Awareness of Reaction
Be aware of your reactions
Pay attention to the unexpected
Value your reactions
Value your response to the world
Awareness of Connecting
Making unexpected connections is one of the most valuable talents a writer can have. Writers observe relationship and pay attention to the connections people have with each other.

Note: Being able to make connections allows ideas to generate freely. Pay attention to your awareness and it will pay dividend in the future. Always remember, even when your not at your desk you are always writing, taking mental notes in your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind will always be rehearsing what to write next.

  1. Drafting
    Just write, and get into the habit of getting the story on paper. Those who do not write wait until it is clear in their minds to write their ideas down. Writers write. Writers do not waist time waiting for ideas to be perfectly clear, instead they reveal the clarity as they write, like planting a seed, but instead of rain the writing process is what makes the seed grow.

No distractions
Make it a routine
Write where you are comfortable
Write alone
Tips on the 1st Draft
Write the draft fast and get the story out
Do not worry about-
Note: It is important to get the 1st draft down before it fades away into the back of the mind. Write in a place where you can be alone with no distractions. Being alone is a writer’s friend.

  1. Habit of revision
    This habit cannot be overstated; learning how to edit your work will make your life easier and spark motivation in your heart. There are three main stages of editing. Incorporate the editing formats in your writing process. Writing the first draft is the easy part , it is the editing stage that polishes your work and makes it presentable for publication.

The 3 Stages:
Content: The overall picture
Voice: Voice constant throughout story
Line Edit: Grammar, etc. Polishing stage.
Note: When editing start with the big picture. First stage is to concentrate on the overall content, making sure the plot is coherent and characters seem believable. Second stage is to work on your voice and make sure it is consistent. Third stage is to work on line edits, fixing grammar, paragraph structure, etc.

The editing process is hard work, requiring huge amounts of your time, energy, and attention, but once you have completed your finale draft, you will have a polished manuscript with a professional structure ready for publication. Never release a story or any form of writing before it has been edited. It is amateurish and foolish. You are a writer, so, be a writer and take pride in your work. Only release the best possible draft to the public.

  1. Habit of Completion
    When the editing stage is complete you are not done writing, it isn’t until you submit your story for publication is the story complete, if it is rejected, keep submitting until it is published. Learn this habit. Make it second nature.

1st Draft + Editing + Submit = Publication

Note: Learn to never forget this habit, even if you’re not aiming for publication. No matter what your goals are, the story is not finished until the goal you set is achieved. Learn to complete. Teach yourself to grind it out, trudge through the mud until the end. The writing process is hard, but once it is completed there is no greater reward than to know your work was accepted by others to be a legit professional craft of writing.

To be a writer you must have certain habits that benefit your writing process. Your goal as a writer is to write professional manuscripts worthy of publication so it can be enjoyed by the public. To be a writer you must have passion for the written word, and never lose sight of your purpose. So, take inventory in the habits you have that makes you a writer, and determine which writing habits benefits you and which writing habits serve no purpose. Abolish those that have no use, they will clog your mind and restrict the ease of writing.

Success is a Habit
To be successful in anything, you must make success a habit. If you are not willing to show dedication and pursue success as a habit then read no further, for this post is useless to you. Each day live and perform correct habits to ensure success. So, go my friend, and live in the world of success and make it a habit, and success will gather and multiply for you.

Follow. Up-Vote. Resteem.


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