My first pair of blue light blocking (computer) glasses, curious if they will work! Part 1

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Glasses cover.png

If you're like me with your computer habits, and I'm assuming most of you are, you probably spend far too much time looking at screens and end up with very tired, sore, irritated eyes at the end of the day. I like to think I'm pretty well versed in recent tech but I just found out about the existence of computer glasses. Apparently they have some popularity with gamers, but I have literally never heard someone mention these.

Here are some relevant excerpts from wikipedia

Blue light is a range of the visible light spectrum, defined as having a wavelength between 400−495 nm.[1] This short wavelength means that blue light is a type of high-energy visible light, defined as having a wavelength between 400 and 450 nm. Blue light sources are becoming increasingly common in today’s environment. Exposure to blue light comes from a variety of technologies including computers, televisions, and lights. Blue light exposure has been shown to impact health. Natural exposure to blue light during the daylight hours boosts people's energy, alertness and mood.[8] However, elongated exposure to the waves transmitted through screen devices during the evening can disrupt circadian rhythm and cause various health effects including a disruption in normal sleep schedules.[9] Scientists believe this is caused by blue-light-sensitive intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells suppressing the production of melatonin and/or stimulating the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Basically the idea is that we were not evolved to be looking at artificial light all the time, especially in the four hours or so before bed. The side effects can include eye strain/ irritability and also impaired sleep.

I researched these glasses a bit and found pretty mixed reviews, some people noticed less headaches, and eye strain, better sleep while other found no significant difference. I decided to buy a low end pair to test, they are from the company Cyxus and only cost around 20$ US depending on which model you choose.

Here is what you get in the box:


I am sure all these items are familiar except perhaps the little card and laser. The laser supposedly emits blue light at a similar frequency to screens, and the card will change colour with exposure (it reverts back to white pretty quick).

The test

I ran the test as first thing, I had heard a few people say there's didn't work properly, perhaps they got faulty glasses/card, but mine worked fine. You can clearly see that the glasses blocked the test area from becoming blue.


With glasses:



Without glasses:

I have only been wearing them for a short time so I can't give a definitive positive or negative review at the moment but I plan on doing an update after a week or so. I am curious to hear from anyone else who has tried these and if they have noticed any significant difference in their vision or sleep!

fingers crossed


Four hours before bed? I thought it was one hour. I’ve got to try to make that happen. I haven’t heard of those particular pair of glasses. I have, however, heard of screen protectors that do that.

Yeah I think at least a few hours is best :/ Not easy when you basically live on the computer.

If you are on a computer look into Redshift and f.lux
For Android there are Redmoon and Twilight

Not sure what is out here for Apple products, I know flux works on a Macbook Pro.

thanks! my eyes are totally light sensitive and red, and insomnia is a thing. gonna try tracking down a pair of these!!

I'll let you now if they have any effect, there are more expensive ones that are probably better but I didn't want to shell out too much yet!

I wonder how I would like those...

My mom used some kind of app on her computer to change the color of her monitor as it got late, toning down the blue. I literally couldn't look at the screen when I went to try to help her fix her computer, because it gave me an instant headache. Wonder if the blue blocking glasses would have a similar effect...or if it was just the particular effect of that app.

It was really was like just looking at it made my head hurt. Like trying to stare at the sun or something. No clue why.

I have tried that program, it's called flux and I didn't like it either, also I do art on my comp so changing the color is a nono :), these have a faint yellow tinge but it's barely noticeable at all!

Turned on everywhere I could my blue filter, of course that's not so fancy as your lights :P

I think I need a protective bubble, lol!

We all need one <3

I will try to get a pair for myself. I have an LED screen of some type in front of me most of my awaken time!

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I am super curious if they will work. As I already written often I have frequent migraines and light (especially from computer) may be a trigger. There are several anti-migraine glasses out there, but as with your blue-blocker glasses, the reviews (medical as customer) are very undecisive...

Interesting, I looked up migraine glasses and they seem to have a pink tint, these ones have very faint yellow, I wonder what the difference is?

No idea... I think the 'light' issues are still not properly researched. In Germany for example the pink migraine lenses are more or less unknown. Instead special green light bulbs are researched which should help with the photo sensitivity...
Perhaps if we would combine all the colour and light effects of these lenses/light bulbs in one film we could provoke headache, epilepsy and out-popping eyes - we will be famous 😅😲 😱😅

LOL, I agree about the lack of research, we are evolving so quickly as a society with our tech and I don't think we know all the implications yet!

I need to get these for my actual glasses that I am supposed to wear 😅

Looking forward to seeing what you think of them after a week or so of use.

Apparently opticians can add some kind of coating to prescription glasses, probably a better bet than these cheap ones :)

Yeah! and it is not that expensive either

necesito esos lentes, gracias por la información, importante.

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