My Reputation Is Frozen 😦

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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My reputation is "frozen." Is this happening to you too? I am an observer of my personal achievements here at Steemit. It's fun and motivating go along our growth on the platform. Power and Reputation, the two main pillars of this network, are what define you in Steemit.

My power today is no big deal ... due to various personal problems and also the lack of a return on rewards for posts and instabilities passed here on the platform, I had to give power down of all my power and today in power "I am nothing" in Steemit. But, I still have my reputation that just like my power, it was built with a lot of sweat, work, with original and high quality posts that are my brand since I joined Steemit.

And about reputation, as I said above, it is frozen. Yes, my reputation has stopped at 69 and it's already been 6 months, it seems like I stopped in time! LOL😄 . The interesting thing about all this is that I am a very active user on the platform. I post a lot (up to 3 posts a day) and always posts that I would say, relevant, original and with quality. But why is this happening, why did my growth in Steemit stop?


According to the site I am number 214 in Reputation on Steemit. This is great in a universe of 200,000 users.

I don't try to think about it, nor do I try to go deep into it nowadays. I have already complained about lack of recognition, attention from curators, whales and etc for a long time... I believe that today this is the biggest complaints of users that are in the platform for more than 1 year. For those who are new and do not know, the votes of whales, curators, witness or people of great power are decisive for the increase of reputation in Steemit.

I remember that at the beginning of the platform, we had whales, witnesses and curators as "partners", almost "friends". Today they turned away, they became distant and inaccessible figures. That as everything in life has its good and bad side and would not want to make this post into a "drama" or anything of the sort. I am aware that I am doing my part here and in the best way possible.

My way here at Steemit will not end, never. I will continue my work posting quality content on photography, bitcoin, anarchy and Brazilian Life Style. Be it in English or Portuguese, which is my native language. The rest will come as a result of all this.

Let's Work and Have Fun on the Platform! One Day the "Ice Melts"!😉✌️

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I am just a minnow here on Steemit. Minnow almost seems too “Grand” a term for what newbies truly are, so I’d like to “recoin” the term, and call us Plankton. I’m sure you see my point ! I cannot speak as to how things were in the “old days” here on Steemit, but I do see how difficult it can be today, to get any sort of recognition for quality posts. I do quite a lot of scanning are read many posts, from everyone, newbies and Whales, alike. I upvote as much as possible, the posts that I feel are deserving of some appreciation. There are many great posts from newbies that go totally unrecognized and unappreciated. Whereas, there are many meritless and mundane posts from Whales, that receive accolades and honors heaped upon them, simply because of their position in the community. This is not a complaint, simply an observation. I wish you continued good fortune here on Steemit, and I’ll follow you and upvote this post. Best Regards, @Gregcar48.

Great comment. Fairly lucid and intelligent. Thank you!

I'm sure that one day you will wake up and see your reputation at 70 when you least expect it! That's how it works! "A watched pot never boils..." (I think thats how you say it lol)

Nice :) Thank you...

Vamos lutar pelo nosso lugar aqui e fazer dele um bom lugar para se estar e partilhar um pouco do nosso mundo!

Excelente :)

A minha também passou para a era glaciar! Parada, paradinha!
Obrigada pelo resteem, querido J!

De nada @nolasco :) Estamos então congelados LOL.

I wasn't even aware of the difficulties with your reputation. I didn't even pay attention :( . I remember you a long time ago, at the beginning of my coming to the platform. I always find something interesting for me in your blog. Keep doing what you're doing. I wish You success. Thank You!

Thank you :)

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