The Weenification of All Hallows' Eve

in #blog7 years ago

But is it, though?

I'm not one to wax nostalgic about the "good ol' days" but I'm just gonna say it:

Halloween these days is super freaking lame.

Our township will be trick-or-treating between the hours of 1:30 and 5 pm… today (NOT HALLOWEEN). The people in charge of this travesty have the gall to remind us to have our porch lights on if we want trick-or-treaters. As if a porch light helps identify your house at not-remotely-spooky-o’clock in the afternoon.

Good question

What ever happened to waiting for sundown, running the streets in a crowd of nearly unidentifiable cohorts until the last porch light was extinguished around eleven or so? Where is the tremendous joy of being out at night when you were so young, it was the only night of the year you could be? And this trick-or-treating on the nearest weekend bullshit? When I was a kid and dinosaurs roamed the earth, if Halloween fell on a weeknight? Even. Better. Not just out late: out late on a school night!

Remember when? Netflix remembers.

All the time I hear adults of a certain mind griping that kids today are babies. If so, it's probably because their parents somehow forgot how cool our childhood was and decided to suck all of the fun out of our progeny's rituals. I trick-or-treated in costume until I was 23 and had a baby of my own to take. In the past, I've wondered why my teens don't want to. They gave up on it years ago. But now I see clearly why they have no desire to schlep house to house for candy they could buy at the dollar store: because it's no fun.

Only because he never trick-or-treated at noon

How have adults forgotten that the candy is incidental to the core enjoyment of the experience? We can buy candy at the store, and if trick or treating is going to be a scheduled trek for candy collection in a politically correct costume at half-past-ridiculously-early in the afternoon, all it is is a chore.

Stupid, dumb bag of candy

So today I apologize to the youth of the nation for my generation ruining Halloween. For my peers who have demanded some Disneyfied, sanitized, chaperoned, Facebook photo-op replace the chaotic, trepidatious, mischievous, free-for-all we were lucky enough to have.

Support midday trick-or-treat on a weekend regardless of when the 31st falls? Get in the box.


your post is very interesting, I like your post, because it can add insight for me, hopefully the future can provide better posts again, so that I can know many things in my life, thank you @jrhughes

Yeah, I know what you mean! But this isn't the same world as some years ago... Too many crazy people, raptists etc... We do en masse trick or treating groups and we start about 5:30 pm...

Violence and stranger abductions have decreased since your parents' day. The difference is, when we were kids there weren't 25 news channels needing to fill 24 hours a day seven days a week with whatever horror they can dig up. When we were young it was rare to hear of a killing or kidnapping from several states away. Now you hear of every missing child, every molester, every rape, even ones that happen on the other side of the world. So the sense we have is that the world is more dangerous, but it is not. We just hear about it more.

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