Blog Transfere: Some words of Tao

in #blog6 years ago

So this wil be an english article. Mostly because the book this is taken from is in English. So I read throu the book with Tao Teh Ching sayings, and thought id share the once I found most insightfull but not too confusing. Including a short description of my understanding of some.

«when all the world recognises beauty as beauty, this itself is uglyness.
When all the world recognises good as good, this itself is evil.»
-The world indeed largly is ugly and evil.

«By not displaying whats desirable, you cause the peoples hards to remane undesturbed.»
-The ego desires value and skill, so the ego enacts stealing and create rivalry.

«Keep on beating and sharpening a sword, and the edge cannot be preserved for long»
«Fill your house with gold and jade, and it can be no longer guarded»
-Dont obsses nor hold on to whats no longer serving, know when to let go. Balance is key to all things.

«Have Little and you will gain, have alot and you will be confused.»
-Confusion is indeed a large part of this world

«one who displays himself does not shine. One who justify himslef has no glory.
One who boasts of his own ability has no merit. One who parades his own success will not endure»

«the wise men of old have truly sayed:
The bright way looks dim
The progressive way looks retrograde
The smooth way looks rugged
High virtue looks like an abbys
Greate whiteness looks spotted
Abundante virtue looks deficient
Established virtue looks shabby
Solid virtue looks as though melted
Great squareness has no corners
Great talent ripen late
Great sound is slient
Great form is shapeless.»

«The more taboos and inhibitions there are in the world, the poorer the people become.»
«The more articulate the laws and ordinances, the more robbers an thiefs arise.»


Life isn't fair indeed.. confusion is everywhere and decision where to stand lies on your self and yourself alone.. this is reality.. truth slap.. resteemed

Life is what you make of it, and that have largly become unfair yes. But that can be changed if you choose to take responsability for your choises. ty for resteem :)

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