The Fear of RegretsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I just saw a video which is really worth to share. It has made me realize a lot of things. It's a bit touching but there's a lot of lessons to be learned. Four times best-selling author, Steve Claydon made a video about the fear of regret.


It is inspiring and it can change your life.

"I attended a funeral four or five years ago which like just changed everything for me. This guy stood up, he was the brother of the man that unfortunately passed away and he was giving the eulogy and he said something that just really stuck with me and really has changed the way that I operate on a daily basis because he was there giving the eulogy and he started by telling all the stories of when they grew up together, all the mischief that they got up to.And he told me more story after story but I could tell in his eyes that he had something else to say at that very moment in time. He stood there in ages, looked in the audience and stared at the back of the church and he said this sentence that changed my life 'I never told my brother that I loved him, yet, I so wish that I had' and he ran his hand across the top of the casket and said 'I hope you know mate' and all of us in the church were choking up and it was just crazy. It was at that moment that I realized about fear and I talk a lot about fear. The thing I want to share with you today is the 'FEAR OF REGRET.' You see, often as we go through life, things appear to be really scary. I'm sure he felt really scared to tell his brother that he loved him and missed all those opportunities but you know what is way scarier? It's when you get to the end whenever that may be and you look backwards on life and you say the words 'I wish.' They're the things that are really going to stick with you. It was that moment that I heard him 'I wish that I told my brother that I loved him' is that I realized that the fear of REGRET will always be way bigger than the fear of TAKING action. For me, it freaks the crap out of me. I don't want to get to the end. there is a moment team, there's a moment there thinking that you're going to be an old person but maybe you're not and you have the opportunity to look back. You have 2 options, you either wish you started a business, I wish that I told my brother or sister, or husband or wife or kids that I love them, I wish that I spent more time, I wish that I did this, I wish that I did that, or you're going to have the option to say 'I'm glad that I did .' They're your two options, 'I wish' or 'I'm so glad I did.' CHOOSE WISELY!

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