in #blog7 years ago

Robots are technologicalized
devices that are designed and uses computer
programs to perform
different specific fuctions
that may be streinous to
humans. scentific
devolopment and
technology in the last
hundred years has taken a
giant stride in aspects of development due to fact that
the inclusion of robots into
the human system have
given a great deal of help to
human race. and even
decreased the risks fazed by
inventors in all
ramification. robots
have given its assistance, in
making the quest for
modern technology a
possibility. It has
brought entertainments,
and it has been used as a subtitute for hazardous
tasks that humans may have
endangered their lives with
helped as an industrial
workforce, and provided a
helping hand home in homes with their services.
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With the in flux of various
robots like the autonomous,
semi autonömous,micro sized, and
others, we have only but seen
a little glimpse of what
roles robots will play in our
future, the scientific impact
of these robots will turn out to be a
panacea, a different
approach of human to
certain pressing issue
in most certain way.

With the percentage of the
global problem,fazed by the
world, various issues that
may have been very difficult
to handle, like eletoral
mismeandor and
malpratices due to human
weakness, favouritism and
corruption in many
countries, super tech Robots
with electoral
programming may come in
to replace humans in
electoral processes, so as to
kill con pratices and for true
display of honesty for
democracy to be pratised it
will make it even easier for
voting process to be at a
speedy rate, and promote
the inclusion of good
governance globally..

Furthermore Robots will
enhance the development
rate of science and
technology. (N.A.S.A) and
other scientific bodies have
frequently launched rockets
and torpedos into space
with humans in them, to
places at times where
scientific assumptions and
calculation may have failed
at times, and going into a
Journey to space at times
may be a pilgrimage of
uncertainty, with the
niggling fallibilities and that
is why Robots that will be
specifically designed with
zillion-bytes program
capacity and
autonomousness and
smartness will be launched
to space in places of human,
of course, they fear of
limited grounds marked
dangerous for human space
ships will be explored by
these extra ordinary robots
and this will bring the end
of limited space travel, and
even asteroids,gaseous and
dangerous space matters
that may bring about
radiation and hazard and
even places like the sun may
even be in contention..
Not just that, Robots in the
future will play a major role
in decreasing the crime rate,
they have high ugraded
systems that would be built
into their programming
system, these will be able to
tackle the ineffectiveness
that humans may be prone
to, for example, in aipport
for conducting drugs test on
people going by air, in major
roads, where they can
control traffic and maintain
internal peace. They can be
used in periods of unrest to
tackle terrorism and
In future, technology is
bound to be at its zenith,
innovations will be re-
defined, the world will get
globally smaller, and
inventions will get smarter,
and so will the building of
robots advance with super
flex tech that would come
will be invented, to play
important roles in the lives
of human, and so
Robots will gradually take
over the world's
administeration, but this
time it will be men, pulling
the string,while they (robots)
will do their biddings.

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Photo credit: https://www.google.com.ng/search?dcr=0&biw=320&bih=490&tbm=isch&q=Robots+in+the+future&chips=q:robot+in+the+future,g_2:futuristic&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwienNaxnK_WAhWRmLQKHZ_MCa0Q4lYIFCgA&biw=320&bih=490#imgrc=CTVLGDRgJIdTyM%3A


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