Hi there, I was watching @Daddykirbs's video on YouTube and I saw this one hour video done by him titled "EVERYONE HAS A STORY" when I got done to watch it, I found it somewhat captivating, it embodies a whole lot. He was talking about how one can use various media's to tell their stories from Instagram to YouTube and steemit, so as to connect with the world and gave people also get to know and feel you.
I've always had it difficult in life to engage people to listen to my story, but I use to feel "oh, they'd laugh at me, or or even pity me" which is really bad but however I learnt the fact that sometimes people needs to listen to what we need to say, we never know where help may come from.
The video also was one I could relate with he had all the dog barking, the perfect setting which really made me realise no one is really perfect, and we don't need perfection to make a difference, the video made a difference because I could see he was down with maybe flu, yet he managed to passed across a wonderful YouTube video with quite a lot of views.
Lastly he promoted steemit, see for this platform to grow we somehow need to promote it, so that investors and content creators can come in, and well steemit can keep growing.
I was telling @rufans and @alumhydro that steemit has given us a voice and a platform we can share our story and earn something, and upon until today after seeing this video it made me remember that particular day, this is my most favourite video of him, and I'm glad I watched and learnt.

Thank you for reading and I'd implore you to click and watch, and learn, stay blessed and steem on.
I'm completely agree with you, no one is perfect because if everyone was perfect with the same equal amount of excellence, life and the world would be boring. We are perfect, but we are perfect in our own ways ;)
Certainly we are perfect in our own kinda way, thank you for the amazing contribution
Pleasure :)