When Steem Dollars Somehow Feel More Valuable Than USD

in #blog7 years ago

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So here I am, contemplating if I want to continue on my series reading this Libertarian book when BAM, $2 upvote on my part 2 in the series! Now it's totally worth it.

Seriously though, that has motivated me to keep going. Would I read a book I was skeptical of for $2? No way. Unless it's in Steem upvotes, in which case I'll apparently do anything.

It helps that it's an educational experience I guess, but I can't deny that that hefty-ish tip kinda spurred me on more than anything else.

So now I read about Libertarianism, make a couple more posts on why I think it is or is not a good idea, and maybe even get a whole dollar more if I'm lucky!


Steemit truly is a game changer. You made my day with that meme.

Happy to help!

thank you very much. Appreciate it ! @johnyliltoe

I hope the trending page will be interesting very soon.


Me too! A bit too many Crypto articles for my liking. I tend to spend more time in the New section.

I know exactly what you're talking about. A few days ago i was excitedly telling my wife about a large upvote that i got. She was really happy for me until she found out it was worth $1.50.

Oh I'm sure that went over well XD I don't think I ever had this sort of disproportionate reaction on YouTube :P But then, money there doesn't really tie in as nicely with how much people enjoy your work.

@johnyliltoe you have some big friends in the pond, $42 on 9 votes. Nice work.

Apparently! 2nd post to get a big vote like that. Super grateful, though it's also nice to see that 9 people liked this post enough to vote for it XD Being a new Steem user is exciting, working one's way up :P

It was likely from @blocktrades. Those are always cool. Keep on steeming.

I know how you feel, my biggest post has earned only $1.05, but i have a comment that made $1.56. I was shocked and amazed for a comment that only took a couple minutes to write. It's like being in a casino here, some days are good and some are very bad. But the addiction of receiving these
payouts is very compelling.

Keep up the good work : )

Gambling is a pretty good analogy. Thankfully we're only putting our effort on the table, but it's that same kind of thrill when a post really pays off.

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