
in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I don't yet know the title of this post. I've been prompted to write a post about something I care about. It's part of a contest, and I've never been good at denying a challenge.

I was considering writing about writer's block, but that's not exactly something I care about.

I do care about self-determination though. I hesitate to say freedom on here, because I've had a lot of conversations about freedom and how I'm not free enough. I'm doing it wrong apparently.

Self-determination I feel I've got down though. It's what I think truly matters, far more than the more abstract concept of freedom.

People should always have agency of the direction of their lives. I think most of us can agree to that. Not everyone wants the same things out of life though. I've known polygamists and monogamists, those that want to dominate and those that wish to live like slaves. Real people with wills of their own, all choosing to live their lives in very different ways.

If I put chains on your arms in legs, secure you to a wall and keep you there against your will I am a detestable human being. But if you ask for it, is it wrong? Am I wrong? Are you?

For the record, I live my life pretty uneventfully. Comparing myself to others I sometimes feel extraordinarily not-extraordinary in my actions. I don't like to submit or dominate, and I'm not into pain either way.

I realize though that my lifestyle choices are my own, and for no one else to be forced to mimic. If you're not hurting anyone you should be free to do as you please. Be what you please. Are you a furry? All the power to you. Communist? You do you. Just don't try to force me or anyone else into it.

"Standards" has perhaps become too weighty of a word. Expectations of what we should or should not be run rampant. We're constantly reminded what is and is not socially acceptable weather it's part of our lives or not. My niece used to wear a homemade fox tail to school. My brother hated it. What harm did it do though?

With kids we seem to have this idea that we need to control how they express themselves, or god forbid they might get bullied! I was bullied as a child. Quite badly. I was far too big for anyone to dare to throw a punch, but I remember getting a full container of pencil shaving thrown in my face during class. I was a bit chubby, but I didn't do anything weird. Becoming a target is sometimes unavoidable, so why would we put such artificial boundaries around our kids in the name of this meaningless protection?

Whoever you are, you be you. Let me be me. Assimilation is not the answer, and it never has been. The answer is simple.



Good post.
FYI, you have a typo, "themselve" in

With kids we seem to have this idea that we need to control how they express themselve, or god forbid they might get bullied! I was bullied as a child.

What? I don't know what you're talking about >.>

Thanks, much appreciated.

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