another rainy day

in #blog7 years ago

I love the way clouds brood over the houses and slate roofs go gray.

Raindrops bead upon lines and small birds shelter under eaves.

It’s a day to stare through tiny windows and rediscover forgotten nooks.

It’s a day for sitting in a booth in a fish and chip shop and pass the time daydreaming about the sea.

I feel sorry for simple souls who count only happy hours.

Rainy days have character. For instance, add a rainy scene to a film and it changes the mood providing depth and an air of mystery.

It’s all about nuance and the need for shelter.

It's comforting to lie awake listening to thunder, or get out of bed and watch the lightning illumine a cloudy geography.

Rain appeals to all the senses.

Listen to the sound of rain in an alleyway between two houses and try to describe it—I think it sounds like the crackle of crumpled cellophane—at any rate it’s elusive yet comforting.

Its quiet tread reminds me of the soft ticking of a grandfather clock in the living room, heard upstairs in the silence of a sleeping house.

Recently at a book club I attended, a woman read a passage from a book describing the rocky shore of Canada’s west coast.

Her face transformed as she read the words that incanted that experience for her.

I want to do that for readers and make them love umbrellas and crowded buses and rain circles pulsating in puddles.

But, most of all, after I have experienced them myself, I want to lie in bed on moonlit nights and have those magic words recreate the dream for me and gently lull me to sleep.

© 2017, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


I do love a rainy day while sitting on the front porch. :)


nice poem and I agree - nothing like a front porch chair watching a rain storm - that's how I grew up, and that's what I'm missing in our new house - we had two porches in the country, but then again, we were in the country. I like to visit but not stay - I'm an urbanite :)

I can see that. :)

"I want to do that for readers and make them love umbrellas and crowded buses and rain circles pulsating in puddles."

John, you do that, persistently, and oh, so very, very well... ;)



thanks, creatr - you know me well :)

It's another hot August day here. We're hoping for some rain to break the spell.

There's nothing like the sound of it. I'm grateful for this house with no attic, just a rubber roof ten feet up like the skin of a drum, and gutters that slosh and rush with the torrent.

And the smell of newly wet pavement at the start of the storm, somehow more earthy than the earth, and rich with steaming comfort. And in the Summer, at least, worth the short walk down the driveway through the storm.

sounds lovely...I hope you get some rain. Thanks for the delightful response :)

Great, , I have no problem with rain , unless I am caught in it! We also have quite a bit of Hail here.

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