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RE: How to punish a child when they have done something wrong.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Oh yeah, I used to be totally addicted to Super Nanny. :)

You brought tears to my eyes talking about your firstborn... it's such a raw moment, even when things are all going to plan... let alone when you have a scare.


My second child was born in the sack. It was so strange. She was like a little squished alien. She was distressed but cried straight away once they cleaned her up. That was not the best delivery. Then are 3rd came along 20 weeks ago. This was my wifes easiest birth. She had chest pain from acid indgestion and i had hold of her leg and was helping the midwife as she couldnt move because all the pain she was in. It was a crazy night i remember cutting the cord as it was the first time as the other two had to be sorted out. It felt like i was cutting through chicken skin with a pair of scissors xx

Lol! Yes, very thick chicken skin! I can't even imagine what it must be like to watch your partner go through childbirth... I almost feel like it must be weirder than actually doing it! Because as a woman you are just kind of lost within the pure physicality of what you're having to do.

My 3 were all born at home which was amazing. But when it's your first time, it's really bizarre because the midwives left after a few hours, and then you're just at home with this new, wrinkly baby, like...okkaaaaayyyy.... what do I do now? Lol!

I didn't sleep for 48 hours after giving birth because I was scared to stop watching him!

Arrr, bless, Homee birth for us was on the cards but she had too much water so it was a may be then they took her into be induced, she only had a sweep and then said to me that it's going to be ages and to go home, so I had only been at home an hour and had to drive back. an hour later our little lad was here so I nearly missed it. luckily I had a lead foot that night to get there in time.

I still every night go and check on all the kids before going to sleep, It might sound strange to some people but I will go in their room and put my hand on them to make sure their breathing. then before going to sleep I'll get up again and double check. love my kids to bits :)

Aw, that doesn't sound strange... sounds lovely. :)

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