So I Have A Podcast...

in #blog7 years ago


I know that I don't do much blogging here on Steemit, I'm using it more for an outlet for my short fiction than anything else, but I figured that it would be worth mentioning that I do, in fact, have a podcast. Usually I talk about news, comics, video games, movies, tabletop rpg's, politics, and generally anything else that catches my interest that I feel like unloading about. I also have guests occasionally, and we talk about all kinds of things in those discussions as well. Fair warning, there is strong language in this show, and it's not something I'd let children listen to, but if you're an adult that doesn't mind that kind of thing and want to listen to me sperg out about nerdy stuff and generally right-wing political opinions, it might be right up your alley. I was a bit late this week due to several factors, but it usually goes up on Saturdays or Sundays every week barring health or life problems.

For some reason I can't embed an html audio player on Steemit. Whether this is through my own ignorance or the architecture of the site itself, I don't know, but in lieu of that, here's the link to my website where you can listen to it.

This episode I go over some atrocious Scalzi writing, talk about Jon Del Arroz getting pre-banned from Worldcon, discover that scifi fandom has no leg to stand on with regards to moral superiority, discuss the jacking around of Kasimir Urbanski's new RPG rule set Lion & Dragon, and talk about the difference between fans and customers.

Links to everything talked about are in the description under the audio player on the blogspot, as well as links to my other social media accounts. If you're an iPhone user, the show is also on iTunes.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy the show!


Oh my.

Happy to have helped expose you to the...wonder that is Scalzi.

He's...a character, to be sure...

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