Social Networks: A double-edged sword ...

in #blog7 years ago

The 21st century is already considered a stage of technological revolution where wonderful things happen, inventions that decades ago were thought impossible. In the social and communication field, it was not the exception, because a brutal transformation occurred in the way we communicate, and even in the way we learn about the news. And yes, I refer to social networks, a phenomenon that moves and even manipulates the masses.

Courtesy: Ibrahim.ID

Social networks are a group of individuals or groups that are linked through internet sites. This boom began around the year 2000, when websites known as circles of friends were created; Already for 2003 MySpace was created, which is one of the most popular of that time and that would mark the beginning of this interaction between people through the Internet. In 2006 Twitter would be founded and between 2007 and 2008 Facebook, two of the most popular today.

Now, networks have become a powerful window for advertising, both companies, products, personalities and others. Likewise, it has been a tool for the interaction between multiple individuals that link friendships from very distant places. They also serve as a channel of information on current news, but also serve for misinformation ...

As well as having positive aspects, there are those who use social networks in a way that is harmful to society, whether through scams, extortion, false advertising, hoaxes, false news (fake News), the so-called "cyber bullying" that has left fatal victims in much of the world; there are also the viralizations of terrorist acts, of murders, rapes, pornographic publications, among many other atrophies that contaminate a tool that giving good use can be very beneficial.

Contributes to a good use of Social Networks only sharing verified information, thus avoiding harm to third parties and making this virtual world a pleasant place.

Do you think that social networks are harmful to today's society?


We're undergoing a series of growing pains. Once Facebook became entrenched as the dominant network we got to see what characteristics of the human psyche it biases for. Needless to say it amplifies some pretty shallow shit.

I think we're at some kind of inflection point. With crypto on the horizon and Facebook finally getting pummeled for where it's harmful, we'll see alternatives, Steemit being one, that (hopefully) rethink networks in a deeper way.

Some people say economics is all about incentives. Appears to be no different when it comes to social currency. We'll need some systems predicated on incentivizing the real value that's been neglected by surface-level networks like Facebook. Bring on the revolution!

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