Getting RID of SELF DOUBT - One Conversation at a time...

in #blog7 years ago



Would your circumstance and/or situation be any different to what and where it currently is?


Have you ever considered "removing doubt" from your life?

Doubt is what prevents most of us from achieving the things that we want, or even attempting to achieve them in the first place.

So how?

How do you remove doubt?

To my mind, one of the first things I would suggest is probably the opposite of what people would expect...



Yes. Acknowledge doubt!

Have you ever taken note of how you internally "self-talk" when approaching a meeting / interview or a situation that possibly makes you a little nervous?

You will generally try to "psyche yourself up".


In those pressured situations, our self-talk is in many ways a "knee jerk" reaction... one which is powered by adrenaline... but there is a note to be taken from those moments of positive self talk.

Doubt, can and often does creep into those situations too but is normally overridden by the adrenaline. Your fundamental desire for "success and survival" generally takes care of those little voices in those situations and then you look back and go "how the #$%& did I just do that?!"


The times that I am referring to however, are the ones when you are NOT powered by adrenaline - when those little voices of "negative self-talk" repeat themselves to you over and over, ultimately pushing you into a corner of zero self confidence.

How do we deal with THOSE voices?

Like I said... those times of adrenaline have a lesson to offer.

When in a highly pressurized situation you are aware of your self-doubt yet you mostly manage to quietly and quickly put it to bed - explaining to yourself that "you can do this".

This, in my opinion... is PRECISELY how you should be dealing with doubt on every other occasion.

Ignoring it only makes the voice louder.

Speak to it - acknowledge it and the reason/s why it is there and then... no matter how ridiculous it sounds... explain "to it" why it is no longer needed.


Much like a tyre that slowly loses pressure - acknowledging and then dismissing self-doubt and negative self-talk, immediately removes power from it.

Try it ;) - No. Not once... EVERY TIME!


Change starts with acknowledgement i think. Only then can one do something about it. Where it goes depends on the choices.

That is very true! Well said. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. xxx

You're welcome but i thank you for your post 1st of all :)

Thank you for your post @jaynie
I am a person that is always in doubt lol

It is a pleasure @shlimmm - I hope it helps, even just a little xxx
Thank you for taking the time to read it x

It does help, keep up the posting coming.

I have every intention of doing so :) and very glad to hear that! x

Great post! I also think doubt is mostly caused by fear of failing, so when you make choices out of love instead of fear you experience courage more than doubt. That rush of adrenaline you talked about is us connecting back to our more natural selves.

quite right @daodesam... quite right indeed. A "primal" state, if you will :)

Excellent post beautiful There is not like to know itself and better way to speak to us to face those doubts fears that sometimes do not let us advance but if we are strong of mind or thought it sounds better sometimes we limit ourselves .... I follow @jaynie be giving you like in your post from now on thanks if you also help me with blog :*

Thank you for the lovely feedback - it is always GREATLY appreciated when what you write "makes sense" to those that read it. much love xxx

I appreciate the real conversations you're sharing here.

Thank you. That means a lot! Some posts are just for fun, but for the most part... a lot of time and energy goes into the compilation as i am sure you can relate 😁👍

thank you so much for your post :) I'will try your advice

It is only a pleasure xxx I hope that you find it helps :)

Great advice. Unfortunately, for me it is often easier said than done...

I can completely relate... but we need to keep at it, no matter how hopeless it often seems. There is a saying... 'fake it until you make it' and it holds a lot of truth. 🤗


Do this again and I will report you directly.

very good post @jaynie

Much appreciated. Thanks 👌

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