Sad story ... and true that I live every day more ...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Sad story ... and true that I live every day more ...
Hello everyone,
I am new to this forum and I need to express myself and present my situation ...
I am an extremely spontaneous man as you will see in the next pages

This story is not one because It is my reality.
A harsh reality that makes me live a nightmare every day that passes but I love it every day a little more.

At the start of this story, I was with my friend for over 5 years and we had a child together. I did not want to die immediately but she did. Without asking my opinion she stopped the pill after more than 2 years of relationship, found pregnant and my defendant after more than 2 months of pregnancy. This unwanted child at first, I am extremely happy to see but I never forgave him the way of lavoir done by putting me before the fait accompit. Since the birth of my son, our relationships Nont continued to deteriorate (Quasi impossible for my family to see my son because she would not let them, relationship problems and differences déducation between myself and herself and numerous Other pbs)
At the beginning of this story I was still with her despite 2 ruptures on my part.

In October 2005, I met a young woman (Tania) of Russian nationality at a very good friend (Laurent) and her future wife (also Russian).
I was immediately attracted by her look and her words in addition to her beauty .
I only saw it 3H but it marked me in a fantastic way.
I took this for what it was originally: a simple drive, a simple desire.

9 months later on 21 July 2006 at the wedding of my 2 friends, I find her.
This Friday night was the most beautiful of my life as she accepted my approach on the evening of the wedding.
I was like a cloud. From that moment I knew that it was the Love of my life.
I then knew what to leave for Moscow on Sunday July 30, 2006.

On Saturday morning around 4am, I took her back to her hotel and we agreed that I would pick her up on Saturday lunch at her hotel.

This day was fabulous

I went back to his hotel on Saturday night and we made the Love many times

On Sunday morning, she had to leave with a friend in Le Havre. She asked me to leave before I arrived what I did reluctantly. I have rarely been so sad.

I called it on Sunday night and I felt something was wrong.
On Monday night, same thing.

Since Saturday night, I offered to come with me to holiday in Quiberon for the duration of his leave and on Monday evening, she agreed to meet me at Rennes station the next day around 15h.

In this cafe in front of the train station of Rennes she learned that the lami who had come to pick her up at the hotel of the airport of Roissy CDG was her lover for 2 years.
This person Sylvain deceived his wife for 2 years with Tania.
It was then that I learned what had decided to stop our relationship.
She told me that she had confessed to Sylvain that she had been deceived with me. She then broke up with him as well. She had to spend her holidays with him.

I accomplished to convince her to come with me to Quiberon or we spent 5 fabulous days.
During this week, she wanted to go to Nantes to find Sylvain because she felt guilty of having betrayed her. I accompanied him. During the 3 hours of their interview I was afraid that she plunges with him but she came back with me.

Myself, I had deceived my current friend for the first time.
I promised Tania to leave it for the end of the holidays of August 2006.

Tania, to my great despair to leave on Saturday afternoon because my friend would arrive the same evening.

Before his departure, I asked him to come to France to live with me as much time as French law could allow. She told me what she was going to see.

I watched the train disappear without being able to move so I was sad.
For the 1st time in a long time, I cried

When I returned to Quiberon, I found my friend. I tried to continue my relationship with her but I did not succeed in lying to me. I was able to hold only 5 days and on 4 August 2006 I left her after 6 years of life together (For information, she has always refused to live with me) without explaining the reasons (she had guessed of course but I do not Never recognized because I did not want to add)
Jaimais Tania to the madness and I was ready to everything to live with her.

I had kept the promise I had made to him and I now had to manage the care of my son with my ex: very difficult thing knowing of course my ex took very badly our rupture

For 3 months, we exchanged via ICQ (the equivalent of MSN), mail and telephone every evening considering all possibilities.
We made every effort to come to France for 78 days (the time that the French administration could authorize).
His work was not well what helped him to make this decision.

On the 27th of October, she arrived in France, and was overjoyed.

Over time, she accepted the steps for our marriage. It agreed in early December to initiate the proceedings and the date of 6 January was fixed with the Town Hall.

You must know one thing. In December, she confessed to me having sex with Sylvain until the day before she arrived home (Sylvain travels a lot in Russia and met Tania in their workplace)

She told me that Sylvain was the man, the love of his life and What owed him everything.
She told me that she also killed in her own way but clearly that her heart belonged to her and that she would always laim.
She told me that Sylvain would never divorce and that they would never be able to live together.
Sylvain has been married for 15 years and a child.
Every day they send sms, emails, ecards and calls to the phone.

I was torn, collapsed.

I then made the decision to maintain my marriage claim. This day was the worst of her life as she confessed to me on the very evening of the wedding.
This marriage was a tool for me (and Tania knew) to allow her to stay in France and live and live with me every day.
It was only a means of making her stay in France and allow her to work.
She wanted to set up a marriage contract with separation of property.
She does not want to owe me anything and tells me she will refund me all the expenses I have incurred (something that I refuse)

Clearly, I counted and I count on the time for one day it maime.
I hoped and always hope that Sylvain is recovering with his wife or that if he launched a procedure of divorce this one is the longest possible so that the time is on my side.
For information Sylvain and his wife are Quebeckers with dual French nationality.
I count on one thing if divorce is that his current wife returns to Quebec and so takes their 6 year old son with them. He will feel compelled to follow her so that she can see her son, which will also move away from Tania and then split their encounters.
In addition, he is changing jobs. I wish that his next position of responsibility lentraine far from France.
In fact, I'm desperate. Every day that passes is an atrocious suffering and an enormous happiness at the same time of washing at my side.

I already have some exchanges of mails with Sylvain or he confessed to love to madness Tania and that it would cease their relation only when Tania will want it.
I even met him once a bit by accident at the airport. Tania had forgotten to tell her that I was accompanying her.

I know that Tania is dependent on him just as I am dependent on her. It's a washout from one side to the other I know.

But Sylvain knew how to lock it, to hobble it terribly. This is the greatest manipulator I know. It leads through the tip of the nose Tania. She drinks each of her words, each of her emails, her SMS.
It's been 3 years that he plays this little game that destroys Tania and destroys me now also.
I see her crying sometimes, melting in tears because he tells her that he is sad, that he is exhausted because of this situation, because of the marriage with me, that he depresses ... He must give ... ur joy By swinging small messages on my account to make him believe that it may be me the manipulator in the story.

Tania is the most beautiful woman, the nicest woman I know. She has the heart on her hand and does not want to hurt anyone.
But its too late, the evil is done and continues to gnaw and gnaw at me.
As I told him, a good automatically generates an evil

She does everything so that I am physically well: housework, cooking, she makes me love in a fabulous way but I make her enjoy too much rarely compared to what she gives me. When she makes me Love she tells me that it does not matter if I do not enjoy it. She tell me she has a lot of fun and that it is not my fault.
She told me that the only person in the laughter makes enjoy almost every time it is Sylvain

She always tells me what is with me and what will remain with me because there is no possibility for Sylvain and her to live forever together and to marry.
She asks me what more I want, she tells me I have everything.
I reply that yes, I have everything physically, but I do not have his heart, I am not in his thoughts as Sylvain can be. She tells me that I am someone very dear to her.
She tells me what has been happy and what will never be.
She tells me what life to live and what the promise to Sylvain.

Still today on 28 February 2007 now she has a job for 15 days, every opportunity is good for her to try to meet him in Rennes or elsewhere in France. He himself must try to come and see her as he can according to his travels. I do not know if they are sleeping together but I know they are sowing and I am convinced that they are loving together.

I know that I can not stop him from meeting him or talking to him because she would leave me to go back to Russia even knowing that she would resume the life of a simple mistress of a man who has deceived his wife without scruple for nearly three years.
I have no choice and must endure this situation that eats away at me.

I know that I can not count on anyone in such a situation but it does a good job of speaking.

I've certainly forgotten to put many important details but

I look forward to your comments and a solution that probably does not exist.


hi jasmine.. im sorry for your problems.. i hope you find the answers you are looking for.

I notice you have used the ecotrain tag for this post.. but the content is not fitting with this theme.. I would please ask that you remove that tag and use the tag help or similar instead..

I hope you understand..
many thanks

ohh sorry man "i am new here so dont know what tag i use "

sure.. im happy to help.. just click EDIT on your post.. and change the ecotrain tag to something that is more relevant.. then u will also get better help!

eco-alex please back your vote i change the tags please

the tag is still there!?

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