Absence Excuses

in #blog6 years ago

I'm afraid I haven't been very active over the past week. I didn't mean to almost fall off the face of the virtual planet, but stuff has happened.

On the positive side, I was invited to be Best Man at a friend's wedding. On the more negative, I have been dealing with a back pain flare so severe that I had to take some time off work, and have had diminished appetite due to the pain making me feel literally sick at times. I haven't even felt up to writing, although several ideas have been percolating.

At any rate, I survived the wedding chaos, and by back seems to be on the mend, so perhaps more substantive posts will be coming soon.


You survived being a Best Man with just a back pain, you are already a superman :) Get well soon mr jacob

The back pain hit over a week ago. Pain had abated by this past Saturday for the wedding, but spiked again the day after.

Damage may be its a muscle pull, load on that side of back while sleeping or lifting heavy objects? It sometimes happen to me if do such sudden movements without warm up

It seems like an out of the blue reminder of a car wreck from 2012, or when a forklift hit me in 2007.

damage, yes may be its an old knock that has returned in minor forms some times, be very careful and follow some exercise which, can strengthen your muscles around it.

Yes, an exercise plan sounds like a good idea, something I ought to do myself as well.

yes, that is actually very helpful. I searched some videos on internet for my elder bro. He added small exercises in his daily routine and built better muscles around the injury to divert load :)

Congratulations on the friends wedding!

Sad about the back pain!
... that's kinda what i do.. So if you care to see if i can be of any assistance i'd be happy to. It doesn't always hurt to have an extra set of eyes and ears on your side when it comes to pain.

Very pleased to hear that you are on the mend, Jacob:)

Sorry to hear about your back issues. I went thru a similar situation a few months back. Glad to hear you are on the mend and congratulations on the best man gig! I have noticed a lot of missing steemites lately. My feed is really light on new posts

Congratulations o. The friends wedding!

Sad about the back pain!
... that's kinda what i do.. So if you care to see if i can be of any assistance i'd be happy to. It doesn't always hurt to have an extra set of eyes and ears on your side when it comes to pain.

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