26 weaknesses of human nature:- understanding, you can control everything!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


1. Fantasy - the giants of thought, the dwarf action.

When people encounter problems that are setbacks or problems that are difficult to be solved, they deviate from reality, find fault with themselves, and place themselves in imagined worlds in an attempt to deal with their setbacks in a fictitious manner and to be satisfied. Day dreaming is an illusion that if daydreaming takes the place of meaningful action, it can become a means of escaping reality, or it can become a symptom of perversion and develop into a fantasy. Fantasy is beautiful, the reality is cruel. Imagination is just a feeling. If you want to make a difference in your life, you should base yourself on reality, especially when dealing with people. Otherwise, you will not be able to effectively solve problems and seek change and development.

2. Negative - the reality of retreat to escape.

Negative people tend to give a fake impression of fame and fortune. In fact, their heart is extremely empty and their treatment of the matter is negative. Such people do not want to do anything, do nothing, even if there is a stronger ability, lifelong will be nothing. Negatives and positives lie in differences in perceptions and perceptions. Walking in a life with too much information, too much desire and too much competition on the way, we always have a few worries, how many imitations, but also often helpless. However, for the success of business and the happiness of life, we must establish a positive attitude. Give yourself a hope every day, you will have a good mood, your attitude is often your true owner.

3. Conceited - ignorant who's self-expansion.

Self-confidence is very important, it is beyond doubt, but "overconfidence" will become "self-confidence." There is a degree of "self-confidence" and "self-confidence," but many are self-inflated by success so that they fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. Self-esteem is sometimes manifested as arrogant, think they can do anything, overestimate yourself, looking down on the people around. Therefore, the ego people often fall into a manic environment, eventually fail.

4. Sloppy - the root cause of the loser.

This is often the case in life. Some people do not think about things when they run into trouble, they regret it in a hurry, and sometimes they even make irreparable mistakes. But there is no regret medicine in this world. We can not predict tomorrow, so the success or failure of many things often depends on whether we are cautious or reckless. Some people fail, perhaps because they lack thinking and preparation, and those who are sane always act after careful consideration, so that such people are most likely to succeed.

5. Arrogant - can not get the dignity of support.

As the saying goes: "The world is not self-evident, not self-evident." In general, the more people know more things will be more modest, and less known, the more gas less people will be more arrogant, so we It can be argued that arrogance is a combination of vanity and poor understanding. Excessively arrogant people put on a pair of "arrogant, unspeakable" attitude, which makes them often been disgusted with other people, so that they run the risk of trouble.

6. Suspicious - some unspoken soul shackles.

As the old saying goes: "knowing each other, not doubting", in fact, this sentence can also be conversely, no doubt, in order to know each other. But suspicion is one of the weaknesses of human nature, and it has always been the root cause of victimization. Doubt will make people habitually toward each side of the bad and negative aspects of thinking, once a person falls into the trap of suspicion, it is easy for everything nervous, so that others have their own doubts, which is normal interpersonal Relationships are detrimental, and suspicion eventually ends up in tension and anxiety.

7. Luxury - when money is rich, starving when no money.

Luxury is a poisons, once contaminated, it will continue to spread, and spread fast, spread a wide range, a person began to pursue a luxurious life, then people around will soon be extravagant. Wasting is the biggest crime, and if you waste time, it costs you life; if you waste money, then you are on the road to destruction.

8. Autism - painstakingly drawn, the world shut out.

Closure yourself, you can avoid the storm, but the sun can not get in. A person who can open his heart and greet the sun will never be self-contained. If the same attitude of the sun, you will not lose yourself in depression, you will not lose its way. It is a positive attitude to life to properly measure your own value and to continually "add value," so that your life will not go through it before you feel that every day makes sense.

9. Paranoid - emphasis on self-dedication.

It is undoubtedly a good quality worthy of praise, assertive, mind-bearing, non-echoed and undisciplined. However, it should be based on the premise that you should not be disloyal and will not be overbearing. No matter if you are a man or an employee, your mind should have a dialectical view. If you stick to it and sit tight in the sky, treat your prejudices as truth and never die out, this is a taboo for man's life. If we can not correct this attitude in time , It is likely to be strayed into the dead ends of life, unable to come out.

10. Quick success - not thinking long-term "myopia."

Short-sighted people short-sighted, a leaf barrier, not seen in Taishan, as long as the smell of sesame incense, it will forget the watermelon sweet. People's eyesight can only see the immediate front, the so-called "headache, pain feet," is the consistent behavior of quick success. In order to get out of the situation at hand, these people can disregard the interests of the future and only seek the pleasure of a short while without considering it in the long run. The result is often worth the candle.

11. Greed - the soul of poverty, the root cause of disaster.

People live in real life, can not have no desire, want to fill the gap, the desire for money, make a lot of people become extremely greedy. It is true that money is the basic guarantee of people's life, but can not blindly seek after solving the needs of life. The old saying goes: "More greedy and less useful." Man's desire for money should have a degree, if more than the degree we must find ways to stop themselves, not because of excessive greed in exchange for regrettable results.

12. No principle - the moral discards.

Interests are often sought after in life, and even some like to equate all their own interests with their own interests. When you get along with your loved ones, friends, and others, you always care for your own interests. To be sure, for many people, the benefits are very important, but if you regard your interests as your own criteria for doing things, then you can only do so by rocking yourself. Interest sometimes also becomes a trap for others to lure themselves, and those who use the principle of profit, the probability of falling into a trap is much greater than the chance of jumping over.

13. Jealousy - slander others' achievements, expose their own incompetence.

Jealousy is the heart of the tumor. Envy can make beautiful people ugly, can make passionate people become frosty. Jealousy is a kind of hate-like feeling, jealous people see others better than themselves, better than their own luck, they will hate teeth, and see others worse than their luck, farewell, they will be complacent . Such feelings, the interpersonal relationships will have an extremely adverse impact. People should look at this world with a heart of open-mindedness, because jealousy can only send people to the brink of collapse and madness without giving people happiness and happiness.

14. Stubborn - entrenched in the foolish roots of the soul.

Stubbornness is a psychological phenomenon that insists on prejudice and does not understand it. People's cognition of things, as well as the value of things must be judged by their own values ​​to complete, which in itself with a very rich subjective color. If one thing is misunderstood, but unwilling to accept the opinions of others for effective correction, it will make mistakes. Stubborn is not insisted on the synonyms. In fact, opening stubborn shackles is not a difficult task. As long as we can correct our erroneous opinions in time and accept new things effectively, we can easily open stubborn spiritual shackles.

15. Light promise oligarchs - light promise oligarchs, more easy and more difficult.

Honesty is the foundation of the enterprise. To be honest, the important point is not easy to promise, so as to avoid treason. If you do not go through careful consideration to meet the requirements of others, can not do so afterwards, such people will not get the trust of others. Promise other people's affairs must do, want to promise Confucius said: "People have no credibility." People's words and deeds should be based on sincerity.

16. Publicity - the friend of superficial person.

People with publicity arrogant, domineering, edge too exposed, easy to incur nonsense between words and deeds, wounding, so life should be cautious. "Qian benefit, full of trickery." Whether it is full of talent or full of high marks, are not to high-spirited, arrogant, but should give full play to their talent at the same time put away the edge, low-key life. "Lao Tzu" said: "Do not see, so tomorrow; uncomfortable, so Chang; not self-cutting, so meritorious; self-esteem, so long." Even if talented and frustrated, nor pessimistic or Complain about the injustice of life, to be indifferent place to behave in a low profile.

17. Vanity - all evil are born around the vanity.

Vanity is the pursuit of personal glory and surface aura, in order to win the appreciation of others, the performance of respect. Vain people have a strong sense of inferiority heart, they do not know, ignorant, outward appearance of the people but tired. Everyone has more or less some vanity and should not expand or upgrade it. Instead, he should see his inadequacies and weaknesses through vanity, strengthen learning and improvement, continuously improve, motivate and move forward.

18. Worship money - for themselves put on the yoke of gold.

There is no doubt that money plays an important role in people's lives, but money is not the whole of life. Money is a living thing, do not be blinded by money and your own greed or eyes, should be enough. Give up the greed, so you can be content, unlock the shackles of people's feet. In addition, do not mean, to help others is also a blessing. Do not look at the money too much, learn to be willing to grasp the opportunities and destiny of life.

19. Impulse - a whirlpool of regret and remorse.

There are indeed many things in our daily life that make us angry and helpless. But no matter how impulsive our emotions are, we can not lose our sense of reason, let alone act irrespective of their aggressive behavior. The solution to any problem is the result of rationalism and fairness. Impulsiveness not only does not help but leads to unbearable consequences for us. Because of this, it is wise to use rational control of your behavior when you are in a dilemma.

20. Blind obedience - poor man who lost himself.

Many people blindly pursue the mass trend. This is a psychological feature that many people have. It is also a very dangerous spiritual trap. Because everyone's outlook on life, values, ethics are different, so each person's choice of direction should be different. Because of blind obedience, we tend to lose ourselves, lose ourselves, lose self-judgment and self-confidence.

21. Self-limiting - to kill your potential.

"God only saves those who can help themselves." Success belongs to those who are willing to succeed. Narrow psychology is an obstacle to the progress of people. In many cases, the failure of one person is not influenced by the objective environment. Instead, the psychology of self-limiting has been doomed to failure. Self-limiting narrow mentality so that a person's mind is not broad, so that one's perspective is not open, so that one's short-sighted or even make people have a serious narcissistic complex, with this mentality is difficult to get along with him, and Easily hurt others. Such people are innate losers, trapped in mental impoverishment and panic by self-sealing and self-limiting.

22. Revenge heart - chicks intestine, complacent must report.

Revenge heart is a bottomless black hole, from the anger of hatred. If you can not control the retaliatory psychology in time and allow yourself to retaliate, you will lose your reason and make reckless and regretful things. People who retaliate heart strong easy to get angry, once the urgent fire hearts and hearts, often only give vent to their emotions rather than listen to others advice. They can not calmly face the setbacks, they will not forgive others, they often hurt themselves for the sake of being greedy, and as a result they have lost their popularity and pushed themselves into the troublesome trap.

23. Luck - self-deception indulgence.

The luck is a very unhealthy psychology, this mentality deceived people's minds, so can not make the right judgments, and even lost their way. As time passes, people's minds will change unknowingly. In fact, the serious consequences are accumulated by the small bit by bit formed, so start from the small things to prevent. Occasionally luck may result in some people get some benefits, but one day will fall. At any time should be discarded chances, improve their moral training, step by step to achieve the ideal. Notes "Bao Jian Feng from the sharpening, plum incense from bitter cold," only with hard work and success can embark on the road.

24. Striving for perfection - self-esteem and inferiority freaks.

There is an old saying in China: There are no gold in gold, no perfect person. The famous Russian philosopher Chernyshevsky said: "Since there are dark spots on the sun, things in the world are even more likely to be flawless." There are no perfect leaves in the world, but in real life, There is the pursuit of perfection. Not only do they have perfect and harsh demands on themselves, they also hold the same attitude toward people and things around them. Because of excessive pursuit of perfection, they have lost a lot of happy and happy life, and even their own lives.

25. Lost the goal - lost morale.

Failure does not require planning, but success requires a well-planned and step by step to practice it. At all times and in all countries, people who have made great achievements in their careers all have two points: one is that they have a clear career goal; the other is the constant struggle toward the goal. A person without a goal is like a blindly sailing ship, for which the wind in any direction is against the wind, and if one has a goal and is firmly moving toward it, the whole world will make way for it. Therefore, if you want to succeed, you must start from a little bit by bit, and set a clear, long-term and specific goal for yourself. Make full use of your time, take your goal and you will reach your destination.

26. Middle-aged crisis - under the stress of emotional turmoil.

The curve of human life falls from the peak, while the burden curve of work and family goes up, and the intersection of the two parabolas is middle age. Middle-aged people will be dissatisfied with their work and career, thinking that there is no immediate challenge to go all out, that they will become lifeless, pessimistic and pessimistic, and that middle-aged people will encounter the dual pressures of career and family, the mind and the body On the signs of decline, which even more stress the middle age crisis and confusion. People caught in the middle-aged crisis trap will experience a series of negative emotions, triggering heart problems and accompanying physical reactions. Only by establishing a positive attitude can middle-aged people, who are confronted with a confident attitude, pass through this period smoothly.

Thank you for reading @jackorobin04.gif


well done you describe real 26 points about personalities if we seriously work out on these point we can easily ourcome or decrease our problems

Appreciated Boss for your efforts buddy. Keep rocking.

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