D-Sound and D-Tube, How Do I Be Successful

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Hello friends, fans, and family,
I have not been on Steemit long or any of its other platforms very long. I am always checking out people's content. I enjoy seeing the cooking videos and hearing the music and the list goes on and on. But I also noticed that a lot of videos with this type of content is not getting much love. Most of the content that is getting the most love and attention is the ones that talk about crypto-currency in some way.

How can we gain more content creators when the only ones that are being shown love the content that talks about crypto-currency? Like I said I am new and maybe it is just the thing here or maybe I am wrong because I don't see the more popular content creators. I know that it takes time to grow and I also know that you as Steemit cannot tell a person what to like comment on and/or up vote. I get that, but my question is, if I am not talking about crypto currency will my content be as respected as those that are?

I also noticed that D-Sound does not have a cart of top voted songs and/or genres. I would like to see a cart of some type so that artist and fans can see their favorite songs/artist at the top of the carts. Giving the power to the supporters and the artist. Ah, again I am new so what do I know. I could be talking about something that is already done and I am just to slow to find the proper processes. So, in D-Sound there is new, hot and trending, but there is no search bar or away that I can find certain artist. That is why I suggested a cart of some sort. I believe that D_Sound is new, so upgrades are still coming. However, I still wanted to mention it instead of assuming that someone else is going to mention it for me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your support. Find Me and my Stuff at the following links:

  1. https://8010az.threadless.com

  2. https://dsound.audio/#!/@isaacm28

  3. https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/isaacm12

  • https://discord.gg/Em7A35S

  • I am going to close with, if I have upset you in any way I am sorry that is not my intent. I am just asking some questions that I don't know that answer to. I am hopeful that my suggestions are viewed as just that and not seen as a demand or a saying. I would like to be a successful Streamer/Artist/Blogger/ Content Creator her on Steemit and its various platforms as well. So, that is why I see the need to ask the question. In the words of my friends, "Closed mouths don't get fed". Thank you again, and just so that you know I am totally happy with the growth of my channel and I always want and ask for my fans, friends and suppers to comment, like and follow/subscribe because I want to hear from you. Have a wonderful and blessed day. The community that I promote is call the Fire Nation, basically my subscribers and those who support me. It is my way of showing some love to you all for supporting me through thick and thin, haha. I can not thank you enough for showing me some love and support. I want to always make sure that you know how much you are appreciated and needed.

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