The end of watercolor research - decision in made, now I have only to wait:)

in #blog7 years ago

Hi, guys!:)

Yesterday I made my last attempts to understand what exactly I will be making with my master at 30th of November. I looked through more then 2000 pictures, it was really exhausting but of course worth it, this picture will stay with me for all my life. 

Image credit

S, after all seeking and thinking I came to the point where I started - to the feathers. In fact even when I was planning my first tattoo it was my main idea, so why refuse it now. When it comes to feathers tattoos I must say that it's quite popular among women, so it was really hard to find something original and the transform it to my own needs. 

I still think that my master knows better how to transform it, after all everyone should do their work, not pretending on everything, and I know that I can trust my master 100%, she's really great (that's why I had to wait for a month before coming, she takes a few customers and her work list is always busy), so I will ask her to transform the chosen pattern for me, and to change colors a bit.

Plus I plan to update my clover. First tattoos nearly always need updates, most people yet don't understand clearly what they want when doing it, and I'm not an exception. I plan something like transforming it to a tree root with clover inside, add branches and watercolor leaves in "season changing" gamma. And this will be probably everything I plan to do with my left hand. Afterwards I'll still have to think about the right shoulder, I feel like something has to be there, but yet have no idea what exactly. Probably 30 days is too few time to make two decisions in such stuff:)

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


Hello - I'm interested to know what it is about feathers that draws you?

I'm not sure I understand your question:(

I mean, does it symbolise something for you?

lol. I salute you for being honest!!!

If my tattoos have some special symbols for me they appear already after I make it. My first criteria always is - hmmm, I love that pic:)

Here, read this and then next time someone asks you after it's done you can blag them ;)

Freedom and inspiration - good enough for an artist:)

Ha ha, yes - I thought it seemed quite fitting!

you are the spam jajaja 😜 good post

I love feathers too, they speak of freedom of spirit to me. I am sure your Master will help you to create the perfect one for you.

I hope so too:) In a week I will share the result here in my blog:)

Yes it is true, feathers tattoos are very popular and very attractive. Moreover they remind me always of nature and the shamans :)

I love the shamans idea here:)

Yes shamans work a lot with feathers and you see them everywhere in their decoration or rituals. Just amazing.

Yay for working out what you're going to get :D

First tattoos nearly always need updates, most people yet don't understand clearly what they want when doing it

And this is precisely why I sit on my designs for at least a year, preferably 2-3 before committing it XD

Hope you post pics of the new and updated tats :D


Nice work looks good can't wait to see the real think. You've made a good choice I think :)

is "master" a normal name for a tattoo artist? It took me a while to figure out that is what you meant, I thought you were talking about a spirit guide or something lol But i finally figured it out!

No:) It's just English is mt second:( What is the right way to call? In Russian it sounds like master tattoo, master of manicure...

we just say "tattoo artist"; manicurist, hair stylist, etc. I guess we don't really use "master" much except for maybe "master yoda" lol

Ooooops:) Thank you, I'll try to stick to that:)

don't worry aobut it; your English is very good!

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