Are You Feeling Lost as a YouTube Content Creator?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


When YouTube entered the scene a couple of decades back, it opened up opportunity for people to share video content from around the world. The following decades saw some new platform integrations including; ad revenue, ad creation, live broadcasting, live chat, and more. These implementations gave content creators more tools to create content that viewers wanted.

In the consecutive years YouTube has also alienated its content creators in favor of its advertisers. Most would say that, "It is YouTube's platform and if you don't like it, go somewhere else!" and they would be right, but they are also missing the bigger picture. YouTube created the platform, that is true, but I have created many websites that saw no visitors and no amount of advertising can solve that! In fact, advertisers weren't even interested in my sites until I reached a certain amount of traffic. So, if one would want to look at it in its right perspective, one would have to say that the site and its traffic lured the advertising. One would also have to see that it is up to the advertisers to determine whether or not they want to advertise on any particular platform, and it is up to the creators and viewers to decide if we want or like them!

YouTube created the contracts with the advertisers, when they did, they left the creators out of the discussion. That is fine, but the results of those decisions shouldn't effect the creators of the content which attracted the advertisers to begin with, after all, we are the reason why they are here.

Where YouTube first went wrong was siding with the advertisers, this decision alienated their creators. The next critical decision they made was getting political. YouTube's political views are getting in the way of the content creation. In fact YouTube has been doing nothing but degrading their own platform due to their own inabilities to keep their creators interests first. Let us not forget that YouTube has been watching the market grow and transform around them while their platform cowls for advertising money on a an antiquated platform.

Facebook just launched some new content creator tools, but unless there are some new unspoken implementations, I see it going in the same direction that YouTube went. The new creator tools are minimal at best, and there seems to be no real marketing for the new tools. I think that YouTube is working on some new things as well, I have been receiving some new questionnaires regarding content creation and where their policies went wrong. Could there be something else going on?

With the new Smart Media Tokens, I can see the usual large social media sites integrating cryptocurrency and the blockchain into their platforms, in fact, I can almost guarantee it. Any CEO would have to be a fool not to see the new changes in the market coming down the road, in fact, I can only speculate as to why it is taking them so long.

So when Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the other big SM sites implement their new crypto rewards, am I going to buy into it? Will I abandon Steemit and D.Tube? Well, there is the point of decentralization isn't there, after all won't YouTube and Facebook still censor us?

First let me say that I will not abandon steemit or dtube, but my participation on the other major social media sites will continue and probably get more of my attention due to the demographics. I won't worry about the advertising and censorship anymore due to the crypto involved. I also see advertisers backing down due to the power of the voting by the users. In fact I see the future of advertising taking on a complete transformation to what you see now. Make no mistake about it, the blockchain and cryptocurrency market is going to change humanity forever. You need to educate yourself now and start taking advantage of these new opportunities.

I see myself in the future uploading my contents to as many sites as possible to maximize my profits. Yes, I sound like a new business CEO, but get used to it, your future will demand you see everything as work, profit, and advertising as well. In fact, your definition of work is about to change forever!


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