How to avoid being angry of someone attitude.

in #blog5 years ago

When I seek for advice about how to handle someone that really annoyed me especially people whom are older than me, I always get this kind of answer...

Ignore them, that is how old people are.

Well, I tried ignoring for fews years but then I'm off my limits. I can't take it anymore.

What is it that I can't take?

  • The negativity of their thoughts.
  • The way they talk about some people that they hate but act differently out front.
  • The way that they keep repeating the same story about how they hate that certain someone.
  • They way that they always think of negative outcomes before it even happen.

Why does this kind of attitude makes me angry.

  • It affect me negatively. It gave me a stressful life because I can't acccept it as it is. I can't accept how do people live too much of negativity within. A little bit is unusual, Some is normal but too much is just like a raging storm at sea.

What I notice about me?

  • I have too much "How" and "Why". How do they become like that, Why do they always think about negative stuff and when they said something posisitive, it felt like they are a liar.

End up, the only thing I can do is to avoid if I can't just accept how they are.

  • Sometimes, distance are a good things. It's not because I didn't care but it's just because I'm tired of making myself search for positivity within all the negative attitude around.

Well, this blog is merely a share of my thoughts. It doesn't applied to anyone else amd without any intentions to harm others feelings.
I'm sorry if I hurt anyone feelings through this writing, I don't mean to.


If you do have any share of thoughts regarding this kind of situation, do share. It can help me to be better with my patient.
Maybe it could help other too

Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android


I don't know specifically about the people you are talking about, but usually people are concerned about their status in their social group, and it makes them feel better to put others down. It makes them feel like they have higher status. They usually need to feel this way because actually they feel like they have low status and they don't like that, so they try to make it seem like others are even lower and therefore they are higher. They may be having a lot of troubles now or they had them in the past, and rather than try to work out their issues, its easier just to put others down so they feel higher than them.

I deal with people like this by ignoring their negative talk and encouraging them if they say something positive. And I try to find out what their real deep issue is, that is making them feel bad about themselves which I think causes them to be negative toward others.

But if things never get better, all you can do is try to stay away from people like this.

I hope things work out for you, in this situation! It's good sometimes just to talk about your own feelings, like you did here. I hope that helped a little. :)

Thank you. I did try to change their opinion into something positive but it only work a while then its back again.

They only thing I left to do is the last option. I stayed away.

Thanks, it does make me feel a little bit better.

Posted using Partiko Android

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