"And When God Whispered My Name" (Written/Hash-tag) & (Image/Miguel-Bruna)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Dear Nature,

Every breath I am taking in and I exhale, I am thankful to you. Every thought, that is empowering me spiritually as well as physically, I am grateful to you. Each commitment I have shown to my work, I am inspired by you.
For every motivational speech, you are my consciousness, for every action, you are my strength and for every decision, you are my partner.

You are the true definition of unconditional love. Dear nature most of us are dying, many of us have died, but a very few of us never die.....you....you are the true king since the very existence of this universe or any other universe. you are the Lord. Dear nature I am yours give me the privilege to work for you.

Give me all the strength I need for this day, Give me dedication and the motivation I need for this day.

Dear nature 100% Dedication,100% Hard work,100% mindfulness,100% gratefulness is all I demand from you.

Its like held your head high, stand up and get ready for the new day, a new month, a new year and pray......

Oh Lord, if you let us in a war, give us all the strength to be the WARRIOR.

Master Pain.png

The post was written by me when I was feeling very depressed. It was Jan 3, 2016. I remember the day because I posted the same on the facebook. When I wrote it, I felt connected to the source and it vibrated my core from the root of my spine. I felt the positivity around me. I have learnt no matter what happens " This shall pass too."So stay there and give your best shot in this little span of life that we've got.
Sometimes, I wonder about the life of human span. It is just 60-70 years and he/she is just busy in his/her little life. Sometimes happy, sad, excited, dumb etc. Here, you and I are sharing the same century. How crazy! The same century. We might never ever share the same century again.

We might not be sharing earth in the year 2100 or the very next minute as death is the eternal truth. Would you like to make it a memorable experience?

Yes, of course. Who doesn't want it?

Well, Here are 3 simple tips to make it memorable -:

(1. Only Quality People Around

I had been around the negative people in the starting of my graduation. I was the only thoughtful person in the group. In the starting days, I used to feel proud. It was quite late when I realised that I have lost my connection with the source and thus, I lost my aura. Never ever live your life on their terms. If you feel suffocated in the surroundings, it's better to breathe in. Be alone for sometime and make a relationship with nature. As someone very close to me once said: " Half of your lungs are hanging on the trees so feel grateful for this wonderful day and be around quality people ". Keep on sharing your experience with 'em and ask their opinions. Make a good relationship with them.

(2. Take Sometime before you respond:

I started a business with wrong people because I wanted to do business and when they offer me a good role, I said yes without thinking, whether this business has any future or not. Can I work with these people? Are they honest?
Well, I had to shut down the business within 6 months because I was the only one who wanted it to be successful. My partners were too lazy to work on the idea. I lost more than 8 months just because I responded too quickly. Always take your time before taking any decision. Do not ever respond at the moment. Think about it.

(3. Save Your Money:

Yes, There is no doubt here. The most valuable asset, I hold during my hard times, was XRP and it was the only financial support that I had. If not necessary, Do not purchase any object whose value is going to fall in the near future. For eg., After 30 years of service in Military, my father purchased an expensive car. Its value was decreased by more than 40% in less than a year. Now he thinks he could have purchased a simple car, in this way he could have been saved his money for travelling, hobbies, donation etc.

Let's fight against the negativity together and bless each other. Connect with me, till the day I am alive:-)

I want you to stay with me, Maybe a little longer.

These were the circumstances under which Ramdas, a poor farmer in India, decided to end his life. The story is written by me to spread awareness about the poor condition of farmers all over the world. I would like to know your opinion.


Thought for this day

It is time to conquer the world with inclusiveness and generosity, not with wars and brutal power.- Jaggi Vasudeva

Spread Consciousness


Great post! interesting considerations and observations quoto!

Thank You, Mate. I appreciate your comment. Thanks a lot

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