Writing About Why I've Not Been Writing (Excuses, Laziness and Busy-Brained)

in #blog7 years ago

I haven't written for a wad of days now! Yet i've thought about doing so every day. But sometimes I have particular things in mind which would involve researching properly before writing and I've found that although I'm overwhelmed with choice about what to write about, I find myself stuck more often that not, just thinking about what I could be writing about and how I need to be in a certain mood to write, or not have a million and one other things to do in life too. (Even though my life is quite flexible and I am lazy where ever possible.

A week ago I started my first volunteer mission as an "NHS spy", which is basically signing up to be part of a team which annually visits and surveys my local county's NHS Hospitals. The hospitals get a passed or failed on many different things, and have 1 year to amend and improve by the time the next visit takes place.

My first visit was last week which I started writing up after I got home, but being the first time this year of having to wake up before 7am, i was shattered by 6pm and went bed.

Since then it seems like every day there has been so much to try and do and think about I couldn't seem to find the time to relax enough to write, let alone decide what mood I was in to write about.

I do another little job working for a crowd management company, which is really interesting to see what big events are going on in the UK, and even more so when you hear tales of what went down across the towns, especially because they provide security for the big arenas and festivals. But other than that, most of the grind for the job I do consists of phone calls and stress whilst trying to book staff on for work. BUT! they treat me good, free pizza days etc :) I used to work there a decade ago so i already know the jist, and the best part for me is, this time around it is on a casual contract. Flexibility it key for my master plans to work out.

It's great whilst there's work available, i can choose the hours and days i want to work, sorted! But in the quiet times like winter, there is not much available and as I discovered last year, it will take me until April the year after to catch up my debts.So i am also looking for a third flexible income on top of my Ebay selling and Steemit bloggings.

There's also a second NHS volunteer thing I am just waiting to be trained on. But this is linked to research approvals. I will be reading proposals from labs and researchers who are requesting funding from the NHS. The theory goes, if i can understand what the proposal is asking, then any one who is in control of granting the funds will also be able to understand it.

It's offering a normal eye to ensure it makes sense on all levels, especially when it will be the public who will be at the receiving end of whatever the researchers are conjuring up.

I have been surviving the last couple of weeks by selling records on Ebay, and this weekend just gone I traded GTA in and decided to give Kingdom Come a whirl...which im currently enjoying and thus procrastinating even more on the ole Steemit posting efforts.

I thought I would at least make my efforts to summerise, excuse my absence, like some weird guilty need because I know I couldve probably tried to focus more and write something, like not sleep 12 hours, wake up after 10 hours and write for 2! it's not hard is it?! Yet it always feels like it is.

But as boring as this post is, I have still written something of nothing, words and finger efforts had to be made, and i chopped out my game time for this! And now im heavy eyed and tired so will eat some weetabix and go to bed. (Which means il eat weetabix, energy will come back, il start playing my game and end up going bed too late)

Either way, weetabix is involved :D

I'll try and write something about my boring world and excuses about not writing about my boring world again soon :)


welcome & great to see you getting active here! :)

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