Renting rooms instead of houses in Thailand

in #blog6 years ago

About 6 months ago I decided that I no longer enjoyed owning furniture and other such expensive things that people who are less transient than me spend many years acquiring. All the furniture that I had was IKEA type stuff that doesn't travel well and was never intended to be moved. Therefore the journey from one house to the next almost always resulted in the deterioration of said items.

I'm already getting too wordy... i do that..moving on

I'm living in furnished rooms now

This choice didn't come lightly because we all enjoy the gathering of stuff. It was a tough choice to decide what to keep and what to give away but at the end of the day I just took inventory of the things that I truly use and mostly they were related to my dog or my computers. The hardest thing for me to do was to let go of my monstrously powerful desktops and downgrade a tremendous amount even though my laptop is mid-range at $1000 it is nowhere near as graphically powerful as my previous rig which was called "The Cube of Power" for very good reasons.


The thing about living in a room is that you don't have privacy outside of, you guessed it, your room. Thankfully in my situation, I am the only person staying here and that will remain the case for another month. Therefore, the entire top floor is mine (and doggo's.)


This setup worked particularly well because the room that I have is the only room that had a rather uncomfortable "living room" of sorts which has worked out nicely for my fluff bunny (you can see her guarding the entrance with her fearsome incisors the size of grains of rice).. Make no mistake, she WILL bite your toes with a fury if you make her angry.


One thing i would definitely not be keen on if i weren't the only person staying here is the fact that the bathrooms are in the hallway and it would be necessary to share them if anyone else were here. Also the dog would be problematic because just like most ferocious guard dogs, my Shih-Tzu definitely will bark at people that get near her quadrant.

One of the best aspects of living in a room, rather than a house (other than the obvious financial benefits) is that the common areas are cleaned by the staff who have a different business downstairs. I am not a particularly dirty person but I do enjoy that someone else is taking out the garbage and cleaning the toilets.

For this luxury I am paying about $150 / month. Which compared to the economy of the area that I live in, is a very good price.

For me personally, the dog is the only caveat, because many places are not interested (understandably) in allowing you to have a pet stay with you, regardless of how well-behaved you claim said animal is.


The main reason behind all of this was the avoidance of accumulating more bullcrap in my life. As much as I enjoyed my collection of Ron Burgandy action figures, they didn't really serve much purpose in my life. I suppose I have kind of negated my "travel light" philosophy by having a dog that I absolutely REFUSE to part with, but for me anyway, it is a step in the right direction.


The entire top floor is yours! what could be a better freedom than this!All looks great!

yeah, i am pretty lucky. When i first arrived back I didn't actually have anywhere to stay but instead of looking on the internet i just went to a bar and asked people, who asked other people, and within a day I had a nice place.

People don't talk as much as they used to and I think that in many cases, it is far more efficient and good than an online search. :)

That's a good tip.I'll try to do some legwork,for nicer things.haha!

Wow! What a quote @gooddream.
"if you wish to travel far and fast, travel light."
100% agree with that.
Renting a room rather than a house is also a common thing in here, specially for bachelors eho are studying and working far from their own home. I am learning SAP, an industry control programming language at Kolkata city, which is far away from my home and for that I rented a room with 2 other boys. It's kind of a hostel where we 3 pay together for the room and it costs me only 300$ a month, isn't that cheap and super affordable?
Your room looking really nice and tidy (but a little empty). Also it is well furnished and thats really a good thing.
You are also right about the privacy thing. I am experiencing that too 😅. But you gotta sacrifice something to achieve something, right? 😃
As an extra bonus, you dont have to take the headache to clean your room as staffs are there to hel you with that.

Enjoy your new room ! Lots of love to you and Doggo!

stay happy and keep posting.

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks man! I didn't actually show my room, it was to the left of the room in the back. My room is just a bed and a desk and since I work online there is used garbage all over the place. I thought it would be better to just let people imagine what it would look like... haha.

I have always rented houses in the past and bought furniture because I was CERTAIN that i was not going to move again. I have moved a dozen times at least in the past 10 years and I am friggin sick of making trips to move boxes and boxes of what is essentially garbage, from one place to the next.

I think i will not start to collect things again until I am married (if that ever happens) in the meantime I need to keep my entire life in one suitcase and two medium size plastic boxes. This should be easier to do in Thailand than other countries because fashion is relatively unimportant and it is never cold. cheers!

Who needs fasion when u have thousand types of dishes to taste!
Thailand is like a dream place for me. Its my dream to visit it at least once in my life. I want to taste all lind of street foods there and wanna click the temples and artifacts. Hope God will give me a chance and make my dream come true. 😄

Posted using Partiko Android

잘보았습니다.각나라의 풍습과 생활을 다양하게 경험하니 부럽습니다.

i really enjoyed being in your country, presuming you are Korean.

rent you a one room apartment in a Thaistyle building The buildings are usually clean and well taken care of and some have security too However your apartment will be a oneroom box with a Thaistyle bathroomA Thaistyle bathroom is one where the shower head isnt separated from the rest of the bathroom so it wets the entire bathroom including toilet and sink when you shower under it and youll be paddling for a couple of hours afterwards every time you go into the bathroom until the water has time to drain Personally I couldnt live with a Thaistyle bathroom for longer than a couple of days but a lot of westerners in Bangkok do

i am very familiar with this sort of housing and it is not for me. I feel as though if a person spends too much time looking at the same 4 walls without human interaction it leads to MADNESS or at least alcoholism. :)

@abedabashir come on buddy.. you copy pasted this too?

Hahaha!! Very funny!! This comment really makes my day!! You are a wonderful writer!! Madness indeed and alcoholism for sure!! Hope you have lots of good Thai friends too, not the bad types that try to take from you without giving or sharing!
I am afraid I have seen those types taking advantage of farangs, very bad karma.

Have a nice day! Haha. Love your direct and straight comment.

Posted using Partiko iOS

well to be fair, I, like most of the expat community tend to surround myself with mostly other farangs. It can be lonely at times but although I can speak Thai (better than 90% of non Thais) it doesn't mean I WANT to. Therefore, i tend to stay inside of my little bubble of foreign friends and also the Thai people that have chosen to be a part of it. It's fine that way :)

Marvelous strategy for peace of mind!
Have a nice day!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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