BRANDED. Steemit 100 days of poetry submission (Number 14.)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I confess

This took considerably longer than five minutes.

I started this piece of writing off with the five minute writing prompt Brand. Using this approach did help to get something flowing.

@mariannewest posts a daily 5 minute free write prompt.

I have joined in a few times in the past, and very much enjoyed the process.

I was very much in need of a prompt to get stated today, so although I didn't use the prompt as instructed, Thank you @mariannewest for seeing me through another day of writing.


Labelled first impressions,
Skin searing as you brand

In a single glance decisions reached,
Then scorched by iron hand.

Concluded and surmised without,
Interest sort to understand

Assumptions void of knowledge,
Of roads travelled to this land


For today is a mere snap shot,
Perhaps my story's not so grand

Though you know nothing of life's voyage,
That wash me here upon this strand

I do not seek an audience,
To preach from soap box or grandstand

No accolades are sort,
My sound ego need not expand

Like every mortal being,
Lived through undesired and unplanned

Enduring these and living on,
The sum of a full life spanned

So before you close your book,
push your chair back, begin to stand

Look me in the eye, and not,
The wall clocks ticking hand

Before you light the embers,
Or scrawl pen with fateful hand

Before you heat the iron,
Looking down on me so grand


Before you placing it to flesh,
Label discard and disband

Please look and see me first,
Before you too, to flesh do brand.

Images pixabay


Such a human trait to limit and label another. But we are all still expanding and unfolding. Wonderful job here, GBM:)

I'm sure you could have done it in less than 5 mins, if it didn't come from your heart. But this is wonderful,

Please look and see me first
Before you too, to flesh and brand

Please can you explain

I used cattle branding as a metaphor for prejudging and labelling people.
Cattle branding is the practice of using a hot iron to sear the cows skin with a brand / ownership / identification.
The act of marking livestock with fire-heated marks to identify ownership.

"My ego sound does not need to expand." Very successful, @girlbeforemirror. As a lyric speaker, he reveals a growth directed towards the basics, the essentials. A return to the internal, disdaining the seductive voice with which the ego is masked, which sweetens with vain glories. His search goes beyond the simple exchange of gifts, it goes for the precious thing that is inside, the spirit that contains the body, the true and transcendent in us.

Is it really wrote in 5 minutes?

Quite a bit over time actually. I used the prompt but ignored the clock ;)

Well coordination of thoughts and time

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