Le Malaise Continues

in #blog6 years ago

Ramblings of a Blah Mind

As many of you know, I've been having a bit of a tough time of it these past couple of weeks. It all started on my return from my trip away.

Since then I've been finding it hard to get back into the swing of things at home and have been feeling pretty low, apart from afternoon tea with my daughter and days when friends came to visit. I'm missing the company.

Heathrow Welcome.jpg

Be sure to click on the image to view it full screen!

Reading all these travel blogs on Steemit isn't helping. It's giving me itchy feet and I'm wanting to go off somewhere again.

I have a whole list of places I'd like to visit but many of them would be too hot at this time of year.

I found a salt mine in Germany that's long been on my list but you need to book tickets and the website has no English version. Apparently the tour is only in German at this point too so it probably wouldn't be the best choice right now.

So I wasted about two hours finding all that out and then when back to the list.

Long, story short I think I may have settled on the idea of going to Montenegro. I found the apartments I wanted to stay at but they were fully booked. Grrrrr!

But with some more research I found an apartment in the same place via airbnb. Sounds like it might be a bit remote though for me on my own and with no transport. I have messaged the owner to find out some more details.

So this post is really just a ramble expressing my current state of mind.

Anybody fancy meeting up for a coffee/cake/lunch/dinner/glass of wine/beer/cocktail?

Doesn't matter where you are in the world. I'm just looking for a bit of company. (Sounds like a great title for a country and western song) 😂

Does anyone know anyone on Steemit who's from Montenegro?


Sounds like a good day for a blanket and nap on the beach :) at least here, you can almost always catch a breeze off the ocean. Been in the 70s this week so not too bad. Good luck finding a little get away!

Yep. It's been the same here and, as you say, there's been a nice breeze on the beach.

I did think about going down to the sea but the closest I got was a walk with my son this afternoon which was nice.

Hi Gillian! I was there just last month with my parents. Where in Montenegro are you heading to? We were in Budva, staying in an AirBnB apartment. It was lovely. I blogged a lot about it here on Steemit, you might find my older posts from Montenegro from a couple of weeks back.

I wish you to have a lovely holiday there and share your experiences with us on Stemit!

I didn't go in the end @oleg326756. The airbnb I was trying to book pulled out and then my plans just fizzled out. I was looking at Lepetane.

Budva looks lovely too. Maybe I'll have a look there when I get a few minutes. Although I think it's too hot for me right now.

Thank you for the heads up regarding your posts.

howdy today @gillianpearce..wow you have an amazing life if you can just take off and travel anywhere in the world! I would say that if you're in the mood for some good Texas BBQ then come on over..but we're having temps over 100 degrees everyday.

Why Montenegro?
thank you gillianpearce, even though it is a "rambling post" as you say, a very unusual one at that! God bless you in your endeavors!

Good Texas BBQ sounds good @janton but those temperatures are way too hot for me. That's even hotter than the Med which I've crossed off my list for this time of year. 😁

Montenegro is on the list because it looks beautiful and interesting and I haven't been there before.

However, it seems that I'm back to square one as far as going away is concerbed as the person on airbnb seems to have removed the booking. 😢

howdy back @gillianpearce..yes Ma'am it makes no sense at all to go where it's hotter than hades in the summertime.
But if you can go wherever you want then you must have a 2nd most desirable destination? I'd go to Sweden or some fabulous mountain resort for the cooler weather.

Yep. I've been looking at some mountain resorts @janton the ones I found yesterday would well out of my price bracket.

Not sure I can be bothered to keep looking.

I need a holiday to give me the energy to look for a holiday! 😂 😂 😂

lol! that is a very unique strategy @gillianpearce! that's great, did anyone have other good suggestions from their travel experiences? this is a great platform for travel ideas!

I have a long list of places already @janton. The challenge is finding one that's currently not too hot and not too expensive.

The urge to get away wasn't so strong today so I haven't looked any more. 😊

ahhhh..you're turning into a "homebody" at least that's what we call them here, kind of a mild type of hermit! lol.
well it's wonderful to travel and also wonderful to find peace and serenity in your own place.
God bless you!

@gillianpearce , I understand your mood well :). Have you tried to pay attention to different Scandinavian countries?

Yeah. I've had a look at Scandanavia @madlenfox but they are a bit pricey for me for a short break. 😁

I might look again though, although this morning I've even loss the will for that. I spent hours yesterday just trawling through travel sites. I'm probably not in the best frame of mind to make any decisions at the moment.

But I'm only just having breakfast so maybe I'll feel better after than! 😂

@gillianpearce, Maybe it's just the mood. Now what the sense of uncertainty or fatigue. I, too, feel what the downturn sentiments. Let us hope that this is a temporary phenomenon. I wish you a pleasant start to the day :)

Not sure of any Steemit users from Montenegro, but with the weather being so good at the moment maybe a micro-adventure in the UK would help.

My sister (@veganadventurist) wrote a post for our website a little while ago about unique things to do in Snowdonia.


For example, they now have the fastest zipline in Europe. 👍

Yeah. I did consider the UK @benadapt although the weather is forecast to change next week. But it's actually cheaper to go abroad a lot of the time, especially as I don't have a car.

North Wales for example, would be a right pain to get to from here. Cheaper and much faster to fly to the continent! 😂

Some friends of mine did that zip wire last year. it's not the sort of thing I'd want to do on my own.

I'm back to square one now as the airbnb in Montenegro has now taken down it's booking. 😢


Yeah, that makes. Hope you're able to find something good soon. 😎

Thanks @benadapt. I may start again tomorrow. 😊

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