Energy of the Day ~ Power Animal ~

in #blog6 years ago


Energy of the Day: “Power Animal”

From the Deck: “Angel Therapy Oracle”

Power Animal: “Your animal spirit guide is a guardian to you and is helping you with this situation.”

For some of you, seeing this card is a message for you to work with animals – both physically and spiritually – for they are reaching out and attempting to communicate with you. In order to hear these benevolent beings, you will need to listen with your heart and inner ear without judgment. Once you open your mind, you will clearly hear their loving voices and messages.

All of you have specific animals with you as guides, which may include a special pet. These ‘power animals” are like angels who are very connected with the earth.

Action Steps: Go to a location where there are trees or plants so that nature can help you with your journey to meet your power animal. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply as you hold the intention of connecting with the animal who serves as your spirit guide. Imagine yourself in a magical forest calling to your power animal, without specifying what type of animal you are expecting. Let yourself see and know the animal who is your guide, and then ask this spiritual being any question you would like – especially about your connection to nature and the environment.

Connecting to nature, through your animal spirit guides or through spending time in the forest, at the beach or even in your garden, is an important step in balancing your energy and grounding yourself to Gaia and her Earth energy. With all the electro magnetic frequencies, noise and pollution and technology in general that we are bombarded with every day, from computers and WIFI to artificial lighting and recycled air, it’s easy to lose your vital Earth energy connection. Getting outside it absolutely crucial, weather permitting of course! Although even a few deep breaths of fresh air will help, spending some time outside in the trees, feet planted firmly in the present, will do wonders for your mood and your vibrational energy.

Your animal spirit guides can also call to you in your dreams, sometimes to let you know that your connection to nature needs some attention, they can also point out areas you may need help in, such as following your intuition, or looking at life issues from a different perspective. Depending on the situation, and the animal itself, you can glean information from the dream to use in your current life situations.

These animals are here to help you raise your consciousness and teach you to live your life in the present, appreciating your surroundings and the abundance of our beautiful planet Earth.


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