A Penny For Your Thoughts

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemian's

Today we're going to talk a bit about the internet. Since the mainstream induction of computing, and internet, I've always been fascinated with both. As I write this I conjure the associated nostalgia with the evolution that has taken place during my time in this world. It's really, an invigorating way to start my day. I reminisce of the old days, and often miss them, but I'm also thrilled with the exponential advancements in computing technology. Moore's Law, has now proven to be, a law in the literal sense, and no longer a theory. If you conceptualize this, you can guess where we're heading, likely with a bit of accuracy.


My fascination with the internet started out as a cool "toy" or "tool" at a young age. I would go to the library and download games like Tetris on a floppy disk, and bring it home to load in my laptop that was given to me by a friend. I don't remember the brand of the laptop, but I remember what it looked like. I even remember the wallpaper I used, (some topless woman striking a provocative pose) It also was loaded up with Windows 95. Just typing it ignites the nostalgia. I didn't have internet at home, so this became a daily ritual for me. Come home from school, neglect my homework, then bike to the library to wait in line for my hour session on the internet. Those were the days.


As I started getting older, I began to think about what the internet actually is. Sure it's a tool, for some a toy, and there seems to be no end to what you can find to do in it's vast, seemingly limitless ocean of fun, but it's much more than this in reality. It's an extension of our minds. A dimension of reality created and manipulated (by man?) to connect us all in a way that is truly astounding. One thing I really love about it, is it's ability to help me end useless bickering over who is right in regards to history facts, or what year a movie was produced, anything... I laugh when someone tries to argue a topic, and whip out my little handheld, triumphantly shoving the screen in their face when I am right, or hanging my head in defeated agony when I am wrong. The internet has successfully become a constant in our lives now, and really an enhancement in our own evolution in terms of information capacity. We should become more efficient over time in our mental storage capacity. We will no longer have a need to store mass information in our brains, and rely on it's provably inefficient memory. Instead, it's available with a single command, allowing us to utilize our human capacity for other, perhaps, more efficient uses.

As we become more reliant on the internet, I can't help but to wonder what this will mean in an economic sense. As it stands now, with technology continuing to advance, we as a species are also growing in numbers, becoming larger in population, while also increasing our reliance on the technology. Now this may not seem like it's a problem, but if you consider what it entails for the job market, it may invoke a thought that suggests, we could be in a bit of trouble. Now I don't want to get all doom and gloom here, but there are already human labor fields that are being taken over by AI. Simple non rogue self aware AI of course, (ATM) but AI nonetheless, which in some aspects, is not the greatest thing, for a multitude of reasons, but lets stay on course with the economics involved. If you are someone who has been put out of work because of AI replacement in your field, and it's all you know to support your family, this is an issue. It will continue to be a issue that will likely become worse over time. We are progressing with this, not regressing.


This in my mind, tells me, if you are reading this, you have the upper hand. Data is becoming overwhelmingly important in the world today, for a plethora of reasons. In a world where we become ultra dependent on tech, and less dependent on labor, what you feed to the data may become your livelihood. Sound far fetched? Have you seen Black Mirror? I am reminded of an episode where everyone's status in life was determined by their upvote/like status on the network. It was everything in this particular episode, and it got my thinker ticking.

If you cannot find labor because of tech, then what? And by labor I am not just talking factory jobs, and trucker jobs, I am talking ALL jobs. Secretary jobs can easily be replaced by a simple AI with sets of simple variables, costumer service jobs can easily be replaced with AI, Doctors can be replaced by AI, the list goes on...


How are you going to maintain value in the world if all of this comes to fruition in the next 20-50 years. If you are 20 years old today, this could very well effect you in your lifetime. It will likely effect your children. So what are you going to do? What should you equip your children with for a skillset? How should you teach and guide them? What you were taught in school will likely be irrelevant. I think teaching will take on a more individualized structure that tailors learning to the person's interests, and what they are proficient at, rather than the curriculum's that we grew up on.

You may be wondering why I stated you have the upper hand. Well for one, you are acquiring a currency that is new, and in all respects, still in it's infancy. I am not talking specifically about Steem. I am speaking in terms of crypto currency in general. You probably have your own opinions of where crypto is heading, and why. So I will not get too deep into it, but my opinion is simply this: Crypto currency is going to be a major game changer in the world. I'm a proponent of this theory, and for many, many reasons. Another reason I think you have the upper hand, is because you have a sharp mind, an analytical mind most likely, and the ability to think outside of the box. If you didn't, why would you be on Steemit, or perhaps better put, why would you even be reading this article?

If a major global economic crisis emerges, and fiat currency takes a turn for the worse, your crypto pennies are going to gain some massive value. How much? Who knows, but it will likely be enough to feed yourself, and your family, and that is what is most important of all, ensuring your basic needs are met. Of course this is arguable by some, but if we get to this point, it will be a matter of survival, and not a matter of fashion statements or societal rankings.

And those of us who make it through such a crisis, will be the one's who take part in this major shift in our way of existence on the planet.

How will we make money in a jobless world?

Well, my theory is, our economic worth, and value to society will be reliant on what we contribute to the network. This, is somewhat similar to the Black Mirror episode that I watched. I honestly can see us living in such a world, because without jobs, how else are we going to compete for survival? Upvotes and downvotes may become the most valued part of your existence, and I know that may sound sad or ridiculous to you, but really think about it.. I could be way off in my logic, and I don't mind if you tell me I am a nut that sponges too much sci fi. I really don't, because no one ever really believed a Terminator like scenario could be really, actually be possible, or at least, not many, but if you look at it now, and think about how we are weaponizing our militia with AI drones that are capable of destruction, and hackable..Well the notion isn't really so crazy anymore is it? Considering a self aware AI comes into play, also a scenario that seems rather likely at this point, it is merely a question of when..


I find this all very fascinating, scary, and interesting. I am happy to observe and share my thoughts, and I am confident that the early bird catches the worm. We are the early birds, and we are the first in line. Fudders need not apply. Take the FUD elsewhere, because I refuse to FUD. A little dip in the market now means nothing.

A penny for your thoughts now, may be worth a whole lot later on in life. Happy Steeming my friends. Have a great day!


Much love,



good post

you talk about thinking outside the box, yet i whould argue, that you are actualy inside the box, in this article. The way you frame development is well inside the box. Well, inside the box of the beast.

Have you heard the term; feed the beast? That is in effect what you are doing with the ideas you put forth in this article. They are not wrong though, as this is the direction technology is heading, unless we see its flaws and take actions upon it.

Becasue its not just jobs thats an issue, as you mentioned, but our freedom. As with this technology comes total survalance and information control. As you wrote about, we are using the internet as a fact checker, but what if internet is wrong? What if the source we use to check what is "correct" is tampered with ? What if every source of information that states something other then what a sertain group want to be the fact, is deleted? Its not like it have not happened before that an effort have been made to prevent people from learning sertain truths.

It is true that the future is about information, and that needs to be preserved in more ways then 1. And the internet, well, that is indeed a tool, but not for fun, for information and control.

My thoughts, for your penny?

The way you frame development is well inside the box. Well, inside the box of the beast.

It's hard for people to think outside the box, if they have no clue that they are inside of one. To bring awareness to this concept is important IMO, I think it is relevant that you bring this up. Just because I speak in terms that concede to a "inside the box" generalization of the reality we live in, does not mean I am not aware, nor does it mean I conform to it. Good insight though. I appreciate you bringing this to light.

Have you heard the term; feed the beast? That is in effect what you are doing with the ideas you put forth in this article. They are not wrong though, as this is the direction technology is heading, unless we see its flaws and take actions upon it.

Yes, I have indeed heard of this term, and while writing this, I didn't exactly think in terms of "feeding the beast." But perhaps you are correct, that this article, in it's nature does just that. It's kind of a catch 22 though don't you think? Because it's like, talking about it is feeding the beast, but ignoring leaves people unaware, and unable to rationalize or think about what their involvement entails. So what is the alternative?

Becasue its not just jobs thats an issue, as you mentioned, but our freedom. As with this technology comes total survalance and information control.

Excellent point. Perhaps I should have mentioned this as well, but on just this topic alone, I think I could have wrote an entire article. Perhaps I will. I do feel that many or not aware of this aspect of technology (or simply do not care as they should).

As you wrote about, we are using the internet as a fact checker, but what if internet is wrong? What if the source we use to check what is "correct" is tampered with ? What if every source of information that states something other then what a sertain group want to be the fact, is deleted? Its not like it have not happened before that an effort have been made to prevent people from learning sertain truths.

I've become so accustomed to believing the things I read online from "reputable" or "top ranking" searches, that I often forget this myself. You are certainly right, information can be easily manipulated, and changed, even if it is ever so subtle, to accommodate, or tailor to the "beasts" needs. It's hard to argue this point at all really, and I must admit that I am guilty as many for believing much of what I read to be "truth", when it could be anything but. I'm not so trustworthy of news though, that one to me, is obvious enough.

It is true that the future is about information, and that needs to be preserved in more ways then 1. And the internet, well, that is indeed a tool, but not for fun, for information and control.

Well. I think there is a little fun to be had online my friend. After all, you still have the freedom of choice, and if you choose to do something online that gives you pleasure, that is your choice, (Even though your choices could be subliminally influenced in many ways), if you are having fun, then the biochemical response in your body still registers as fun.

My thoughts, for your penny?

Are my thoughts not as valuable as yours? Because I see you didn't upvote my post, but yet you ask for mine...
Your thoughts are indeed valuable to me, so I will give you a penny for your thoughts. Actually I will give you more than a penny, because in case you didn't know, steemit doesn't pay penny votes..thats right..The only way you will get your penny votes paid, is to use a service like @dustsweeper, and they are pretty awesome and totally work. I hope you don't take that as advertising..lol, because it's not, but I do use them and they are pretty awesome.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insightful thoughts.

To start at the bottom; The end was more of a refrance to the headding you used. Seeing as I answered and gave you my thoughts on the topic.

Yes the internet can be used for manny a thing,, comedy is one and is a good gateway into peoples minds. But information and control I see as the main functions.

As for to be aware of the box first, yes that is needed for some. But I whould argue that the better way overall is to present solutions directly that, if enough starts using, wil make what cause the problem, to become obsolete. Atelast present posible solutions after presenting the issues at hand.
That i think is what Sparked the Zeitgeist movement, as the end of Zeitgeist: Addendum, presented; The Venus Project. And the call to action: "join the movement"

There is a greater need for solutions then there is for awareness of the issues currently in my opinion.

To start at the bottom; The end was more of a refrance to the headding you used. Seeing as I answered and gave you my thoughts on the topic.

I know, I was only teasing you.

But information and control I see as the main functions.

Yes, I think you are mostly right in your assumption.

Atelast present posible solutions after presenting the issues at hand.

Fair enough.

That i think is what Sparked the Zeitgeist movement

Seems pretty logical.

There is a greater need for solutions then there is for awareness of the issues currently in my opinion.

I partially agree, not fully but I respect and value your opinion. We all should have the right to voice how we feel. I do think you bring up some good points, and I feel like maybe you didn't enjoy my article. Maybe I am wrong, it just feels that way when I read your comments.

Nonetheless, I appreciate your input. Thank you.

I don't need to say a thing because you said them all...lmao.

Can't disagree that the growth in technology and new things are exponential. It's crazy, and I'm starting to think of Chaos Theory again. Since a small change can bring drastic changes to the unpredictable future, we won't reallly know what will really happen after ten or twenty years. Probably we will all get killed by the Terminator, probably.

I am actually thinking. If, a crisis really happens, will currency really matter? I mean you don't buy food in hunger games, you kill others and eat them instead.

Nice post anyway :P

Probably we will all get killed by the Terminator, probably.

I really hope not!!! lol

I am actually thinking. If, a crisis really happens, will currency really matter?

It might not, but if food is scarce, people will still need something to barter with. If the governments collapse, kiss fiat currency good bye, say hello to new, small governments, creating their own laws, and barter methods. This would lead me to believe crypto would become quite the asset in a scenario like this. Regardless of how bad the crisis is, unless it's very much like an Armageddon scenario, we will likely still have internet and computers. So yeah, there is quite a bit to conceptualize as to what would actually happen.

I agree though. The future , is quite hard to predict.

The old days, something to think back on and the memories from them all. I wish I could revisit some of my younger years in order to once again, enjoy them. I mostly used the internet for school work but remember wanting to game back on the old macs to play Zoombinis, or just the fun you had while with friends in the library.

Yeah, I miss the library days! Good old days indeed!

Thanks for reading and stopping by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I plan on Serving my neighbors in a very rural for as long as possible, providing basics. Working labor during the day and contributing like this, to the network, in the evenings. Hopefully we can all find a balance like that so we can keep ourselves human, until we can't that is.

I hope the human race is wise enough to adopt your way of thinking. Of course there is a difference between wise and intelligent right? I notice in today's world, that people are glued to their devices everywhere they go, and spend more time absorbed than they even probably realize. I think it's important to be aware of the fact that even though we have accomplished some amazing technological achievements , we still need to remember the fact that we are human, and at one point, none of this existed, and measure our reliance accordingly. Insightful comment. Thank you for stopping by :)

The world is getting ugly and I can understand why people would rather stare at a fantasy world through their device. Can't hide there forever though and we do need to get heads out of the sand as a society so to speak id say.

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I don't need to say a thing because you said them all...lmao.

Can't disagree that the growth in technology and new things are exponential. It's crazy, and I'm starting to think of Chaos Theory again. Since a small change can bring drastic changes to the unpredictable future, we won't reallly know what will really happen after ten or twenty years. Probably we will all get killed by the Terminator, probably.

I am actually thinking. If, a crisis really happens, will currency really matter? I mean you don't buy food in hunger games, you kill others and eat them instead.

Nice post anyway :P

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