My Steemit Table ProjectsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

You may remember I did a post about 2 weeks ago showing an old aluminum table and asking for guesses as to what I might do with it. Well I didn't get any guesses but I did the project anyway. Here is the table just after being pressure washed to remove the old paint and clean it.

It was bent and the legs not quite in the right positions but I managed to get it pretty level and gave it a coat of white paint

I dusted the white with a bit of gray primer and aluminum paints to give it a dusty look. I then spayed a few spots on it hear and there. Added in a few light black ones too.

After this it sat for about a week due to rain and working on other stuff. I then got an old piece of Styrofoam packing material out of the garage. Took it and punched a few holes in it with a metal rod. Could have used a pencil or pen or any round object. This resulted in roundish holes in the front of the Styrofoam and larger ones in the back.

Next I took and put the Styrofoam on the table and lightly hit it with the gray paint. Moved it from place to place. I then repeated the process with the silver and black.

I then hit it with a dusting of black from far away. Forgot to take a pic of that. After I let the table sit for a week to let that paint cure so the next layers wouldn't peel. Yesterday I moved it under the porch out of the sun. This is important to keep the next part from sticking and ripping the paint off. I covered the whole thing with masking tape. Used 2" wide tape so it didn't take much.

Now the real magic begins. I printed out the steemit logo sometime during the project. I did it using paint and enlarged it to 4x4 sheets of paper. I took the sheets, trimmed off the half inch border on one sheet where 2 sheets would meet using a razor blade and a straight stick as a guide. Then I taped them together.

When it was all taped together I roughly centered it on the table just by eyeballing it and taped it in place.

Using the razor blade I cut around the light blue center part of the steem logo. Pressing firmly to cut the paper and masking tape under it. Then I removed the paper and the tape that was under it.

Now back out to the yard for a quick hit with the light blue paint. Let it sit for about 10 minutes then move it back into the shade. I quit there for the day to give that paint a chance to dry well.

Next I repeated the tracing of the rest of the logo and text with the razor blade. The center paper for the E's also removed itself since there was nothing to hold it. No big deal just make sure to leave the tape there.

So now that it's all cut out we have a little problem to take care of. That light blue section needs some protection. Quick covering with masking tape fixes that.

Now back out to the yard for a shot of dark blue. This is where the project messed up a bit. Instead of using the cheap Walmart dark blue I went with a lighter shade of Krylon I had lying around. Well while the Walmart brand works just fine after sitting for 5+ years the Krylon didn't. It didn't spray right coming out thick droplets almost like paint instead of spray paint.

Let that dry in the yard for about 15 minutes. Took it back under the porch and removed the paper being careful not to get it on anything as it was still tacky.

Now we pull all the masking tape. This is when I notice that bad can of paint had been too liquid and was drawn under the tape in places. Good spray paint would not have done this even with multiple coats. Of course using good painters tape would probably have worked too but don't have any of that.

So there you have it one finished steemit moon table. Didn't turn out as good as I had hoped but good enough. Now I have a place to take pictures of my projects outside. That cardinal project was already finished. You will see it in an upcoming post.

Needed for this project:

  • A table (duh)
  • A printout of the steemit logo
  • Masking tape or Painters tape
  • spray paint. (white, primer, aluminum, black, spa blue, blue)
  • razor blade or exacto knife
  • straight edge
  • camera to take pictures of progress to post on steemit
  • time

Now if I were a better artist I would have used an airbrush to make the landscape. My original idea was to wet the white table to form water beads then paint he beads to give the creator effect. Could not get water to bead on this old aluminum table. Thought about using a sponge and spraying it then using it as a stamp but no sponge to be found in the garage.

Remember to make sure your paint is good before spraying it. That was the biggest issue with this.

Oh if your wondering why I had that camera on the table I was trying to get some pics of birds while doing this. That is my old Kodak Easyshare camera. I use it for taking the bird/flower/etc pics since it has a decent zoom and a digital zoom on top of that. Just use my cellphone for the projects. Never did use those scissors. I've been using a razor blade to cut things for so long I can freehand a straight line better than I can cut with scissors.


I've always want to go into DIY the problem is I don't see myself being creative. Cool project dude keep at it.

Whoa! Good job @fubar-bdhr! The end result looks pretty cool IMO.

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