THREAD 2: The Diversity Industry

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Below is a repost of one of my viral Twitter threads. With Twitter's speech bonfire fully underway, this thread is being archived here in eternity's bosom. It is reproduced with no edits, and was bound by Twitter's 140 character limit at the time of its writing, in August 2017.

We need to talk about the Google #DiversityManifesto. It's being attacked bc it's based on what SJWs hate most: Evolutionary Science.


First, understand that Google has made it to one of the top companies in the world by being EXTREMELY White, Asian and Male.


At the same time, Google is one of the world's most vociferously progressive companies. For some example, here's YouTube's twitter.


Here are the Google search results for:
• "American Inventors"
• "White Woman and Baby"
• "European People History"
• "White Couple"


Here is Google's Board of Directors. You'll notice not a single Black person in their entire leadership.


You'll notice a similar pattern in any rabidly progressive White (but really Jewish) company. Here, for example, is the New York Times.


This is the #SlidingScale effect: the less diversity a White/Jewish company has, the more it must attack others for lacking diversity.

By attacking other companies for being racist, Google, Facebook, NYT & others placate civil rights groups w/o being diverse themselves.

This is how these tech companies have managed to avoid Diversity Shakedowns that cripple other industries. Note that FB is 2% Black.


These tech companies, being highly rational in their hiring, know algorithmically that SJW-demanded diversity is horribly suboptimal.


What I will tell you as a lawyer is that there is an ENORMOUS industry for civil rights lawsuits that would LOVE to get some tech money.

The EEOC alone (so not even including 1000s of direct civil lawsuits!!!) took on more than 30,000 race lawsuits last year.


Make no mistake about it: being sued in a class action lawsuit for racial discrimination is EASY to engineer and IMPOSSIBLE to defend.

For example, you may recall a little company named Abercrombie & Fitch. Wanna know why you didn't hear of them again after 2004?


You read that right, A&F was financially gutted, to hire dozens of minority recruiters, discontinue hiring at White sororities & more.

Want more? AirBnb is being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars for racial discrimination. They had to hire ERIC HOLDER for mercy.

AirBnB, the $31 billion giant, was brought to its knees for not paying off the right civil rights groups. Behold its mewling apology.


Beyond the millions in settlement payoffs, AirBnB has to now limit user choices & photos, then hire a full new diversity department.

Every time this happens, the Diversity Industry expands, grows, becomes more lucrative. More revenue, more jobs, more lobbying power.

So Google/Facebook have an uneasy peace with the civil rights extortion racket: "If you call off the dogs and leave us alone..."

Then we, Google/Facebook, will do our best to help grow the Diversity Industry generally, without us having to be diverse personally.


Now, to dig in, we should not kid ourselves. The only working definition of diversity that fits the facts is "fewer White people."

Consider, for example, that the NBA received an A+ rating for diversity with 75% of the league being Black. At just 13% of US population.


Any company/team that is 25% Black, 25% Brown, 25% Arab, 25% Asian would be deemed 100% diverse. Diversity is the inverse of Whiteness.

Thus, the ransom payments Google/Facebook make to the Diversity Industry to preserve their own Whiteness funds White removal elsewhere.

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