How to Cure Anxiety Fast

in #blog6 years ago

Anxiety is a natural emotion to experience; it compels you to meet deadlines or avoid danger. However, anxiety in the form of excessive worry or full-blown panic attacks can cause a lot of distress in your day-to-day functioning. When anxiety gets out of control, there are things you can do to improve the moment and to keep it at bay in the future.


Step 1

Focus on the here and now. If you are panicking, focus on what is happening right this very minute. Don't think ahead or ruminate about anything else. Take it one minute at a time, if need be.

Step 2

Practice some form of relaxation, preferably for 15 minutes a day as well as when you are feeling anxious. Some people choose to focus on deep breathing techniques. These generally consist of holding one hand flat on your belly, just above your navel. Slowly breathe in and hold it for a second. Feel your stomach expand as you breathe in. Slowly breathe out while feeling your stomach deflate. Other forms of relaxation may include progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery and meditation.

Step 3

Eliminate noise and stimulation around you. Turn down the radio or turn off the TV. Having too much going on at once can make you feel rushed.

Step 4

Cut down on caffeine, decongestants and over-the-counter diet pills. Caffeine sources include coffee, tea, soda and chocolates. These items all can stimulate your nervous system, worsening the anxiety or tension that you feel.

Step 5

Regulate your sleep schedule. Insomnia can be common in chronic worriers. Take time to unwind 30 minutes before bedtime. Reading is a popular choice and can keep your attention engaged elsewhere.

Step 6

Exercise on a regular basis. Exercise releases chemicals that promote an overall sense of well-being. Exercise also burns off some of the adrenaline your body releases when you panic and your body enters fight-or-flight mode.

Step 7

Talk to your doctor about prescription medication. Your doctor may recommend an antidepressant, which can help in the long term at keeping anxiety at bay. Some doctors also recommend a benzodiazepine, which is a mild sedative, to help control symptoms of panic attacks.

Step 8

Start seeing a therapist, if you have not done so already. Therapists can help with all kinds of anxiety disorders. The sooner you start therapy, the sooner you will improve.



Thanks for sharing. I suffer from anxiety as part of my mental illness and you are spot on with the recommendations. The deep breathing is most beneficial to me. I enjoy doing mindfulness exercises when the anxiety hits to try and avoid taking medications for the anxiety. I do try to exercise but getting the motivation is so hard sometimes. Again, good post and thanks for sharing.

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