
in #blog6 years ago

Today confirmed a couple of things for me that I'd been letting eat at me way too much from the sidelines.

1.) I can run myself ragged making sure that none of the older ladies or women that walk everywhere in town have to be out in the heat, at the job I'm at, and still make progress in the weight room. It'll just be slower going. Then again, considering that my kind of autist gets stronger the more of an emotional high they're on, this isn't surprising. It makes logical sense.
The slower going part is fine by me, since I am going the way I know will preserve more lives, and exemplify a higher standard for the Generation Zyklon kids who are starting up at that place. Besides, one of the things I go absolutely apeshit about from the back of the mind to the front in roaring waves of uncomfortable energeticness is that very same slow, yet inevitable sense of accomplishment. This all plays to my longer term strengths.

2.) A good hour, 45 minute or so nap before training on a day where I've worked is simply magical, man. I woke up with an ease of focus and strength to limb like I hadn't worked at all, that day, on one of the most hectic days I've seen at the place.

Bike(Cardio): 40 minutes. I finished this'un at an average of 111 RPM, starting at level 7 difficulty, and adding 1 on every 10th minute onward.

Bench Press (95 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was so high on my own fumes when I saw that I could do this as easily as I could that I was half roaring, half belly-laughing through the final 12 reps. HAWOO!!!

Pec Fly(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Not too easy....and yet, not nearly hard enough, all things considered.

Abdominal Fuse (90 lbs): Surprisingly easy, even after I adjusted the seat so that the weight would be practically over and behind my head. I don't know what to make of this.

Leg Extension(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. If more of my faculties were available to me, I would've been skeptical of how easy this one was, at the slow, methodical pace I sat for it, when the leg curl was agony, and by the end, I was only managing roughly 3/4 the leg curl that I normally do, per rep.

Seated Leg Curl(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Leg Press (90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Slow and steady got me through, and this penguin waddles on.

Chest Press(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I barely managed...but I still did it.

Shoulder Press(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was again surprised with how easy I found this. Perhaps the mid-day or the final day of the week will be more challenging...

Lateral Pull-Down (90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I kept losing my grip. Otherwise, it was tough, but I did it.

Lower Back Fuse(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Easy.

Seated Row(90 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I kept feeling the machine where the weights were stored to my side shifting and moving when I pulled on this one. Which, of course, only got me more excited, and made me tug even more. The 30 reps flew right by.

Bicep Curl(25 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Kept falling off-balance...but the first 10 reps were surprisingly easy. And then, right after that...they became tough.

Tricep Extension(30 lbs): 30 reps. 15 emphasizing the right arm, 15 with the left. The arms were like lead, but I did it.

Hanging Back Extension: (Draping myself over a machine where from the hip up, I am suspended in mid-air, raising my torso to be straight with the rest of the body, then relaxing again, repeating), 30 reps with a 5 lb plate clasped to my chest, no breaks. By the time I felt anything in my back, the set was practically over. I'll add a 2.5 lber next time.

Incline Elliptical(Cardio): 25 minutes, level 8 difficulty. I know I promised myself to do 35 minutes next time...but I had made shitty time estimations on when my ride should be there to pick me up, and as is, stopping where I did already left them waiting. Still. For those 25 minutes, I maintained a relatively strong pace at 144 paces per minute, on average. Different parts of the body kept wanting to go slack, and I'd let 'em...only to pick up the slack with the rest of the body.

For tonight's musics, I picked up the music track that I've kept on loop for the past couple of work days from the Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal soundtrack. The first time I encountered this track, as with anybody who played the game without hacks, was where you are attacking fellow Bhaalspawn Yaga-Shura's army from the flank, trying to kick his ass before the SEEMINGLY ENDLESS PARTY SPAWNS containing at least one Fire Giant and an assload of soldiers eventually overwhelm you and force you to A.) Retreat or B.) Die.
For a kid that grew up on Dynasty Warriors, that kind of scenario was fecking mangasmic for me. I did eventually discover the limit to the spawn mechanic there, which left me completely free to attack Yaga Shura (I tried to kill him before completing the quests to disable his "Invincibility", because I was skeptic about how the game implemented that mechanic. My skepticism was soon laid to rest, and I was forced to run)

The Dialogue after you complete said quests when Yaga Shura comes face to face with you just gave the music an even stronger impression with me. Again, dem chills and thrills, dawg. You just don't know it until you played it.
And the other storyline Bhaalspawn boss fights (Except for Sendai, who was lame to the end) only added to that impression.

Backstory aside, the musics in question. My compliments to user Hadrian Gores for extending an already epic track.


Bhaal..... Baal...... "Throne of The Demon"...... You're listening to that?

I am listening to a lyricless soundtrack from that expansion pack bearing that name, yes. /:)

Do you think there has to be words to cast spells? For there to BE spells? Especially in music / soundtracks / etc.?

Playing along with this conclusion will be easier than normal, since I don't think there have to be, no.

So, let's carry this conclusion through to its fullest. How do we know what music, ever, doesn't have some kind of sinister spell hidden away in it?
Are you sure you want to walk down that train of thought?

According to what all I've been learning these past couple of years? ALL music is infected with infinite spells. Witch craft. ALL of it...... Having said that, as I have said before, there are SOME that are LESS demonic than others. Though again, they are ALL demonic as they are full of witchcraft. There's not one single artist, which breaks my heart, not one single artist that isn't a part of it. Though again, certain "artists" are more heavily involved in it than others. While some "artists" are quite obvious, & brazen about it, there ARE "artists" that are far more sneaky.

I'm just urging you to exercise GREAT CAUTION in what you choose to listen to. Because even though you are strong of mind, & heart, I ASSURE you that this shit gets into your subconscious, & works AGAINST you, & your relationship with Jesus. Something I KNOW you don't want, hence one of my reasons for continuing to try to warn you.

And yet here I be, doin' what I do. Motivations the same. Still fielding a strong game.

I listen to what actually stimulates me. And the caution can be for before I speak, act, or commit to certain thoughts.

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