
in #blog6 years ago

Incline Elliptic Machine(Cardio): 60 minutes at level 7/30 difficulty. My pace for this was weeeeak...it kept dropping by 10 or so steps per minute every 20 minutes. I don't know exactly what was up with me on this one.

Bench Press (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Definitely felt the final 10 reps...but I did iiiiit. Virtual high fives, everybody. >:D

Pec Fly(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I flew right through this one.

Abdominal Fuse (70 lbs): 40 reps, no breaks.

Leg Extension(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. It was agony, but I got through it.

Seated Leg Curl(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Leg Press (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Slow and deadly. As in, I was dyin'. Or I was deadly with my execution. A real menace to all around me. Yeahhhh...that's it. Manly stuff and all that. Wak.

Chest Press(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Slow and steady....but I got there.

Shoulder Press(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Flew right through it.

Lateral Pull-Down (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I kinda zoned out while I was doing this one so that I didn't

Lower Back Fuse(70 lbs): 40 reps, no breaks.

Seated Row(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Bicep Curl(25 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Tricep Extension(30 lbs): 30 reps. 15 emphasizing the left arm, 15 emphasizing the right arm, no breaks.

Fingertip Pushups: 10 reps. I did not cheat this time, and did my pushups like a man. Penguin. Peng-man. Yeahhhh.....

Bike(Cardio): 60 minutes, beginning at level 6, kicking things up by 1 difficulty every 10 minutes, stopping myself at 10. Instead of kicking things down every 2 minutes from minute 50 onward, I decided to just stick with 10. I got through it all without my butt hurting. This is a glorious day. Also, I am disappointed. This bike only goes up to level 20. I can already sustain 20 minutes on it at half strength. This is a great milestone, and at the same time, I am disheartened. I will master the bike in no time at all at this rate, and will have to add a 3rd hour of cardio with something else, perhaps.

For tonight's musics, I turned to Heidevolk, and the first toetapper I ever discovered from them, Vulgaris Magistralis. It is a wonderful tale about...a giant...who does all kinds of silly shit. Really it's a great listen, especially if you have subtitles or understand German. Give it a try and give them some love, ah? They are criminally underappreciated by music lovers.


How did you manage to have these "musics" without a music device? Inquiring minds want to know.

You forgets; I can focus more on what I'm hearing in my head than I am with my actual ears.

I almost expected you to reply with, "I'm a wizard"...... :-D

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