
in #blog6 years ago

At first, I had convinced myself that I was too much of a whiny, girly man to go to the gym tonight, because I had injured my thumb during truck at work. And then, through the power of self beratement and irrational levels of pissed off at my willingness to give up with such an injury, I motivated myself to not just go, but to prove to myself how far I could go, by upping my stuff by 10 lbs each. Epic shit resulted, as I blew even my own expectations.

Incline Elliptic Machine(Cardio): 60 minutes at level 7/30 difficulty. Through the epic fuel of Grimdark determination and pure Metal factor, I managed to burn 968 calories and maintain an average of 170 steps per minute. I was stupid with dehydration by the end of this, however.

Bench Press (85 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. The final rep challenged me to the point that I was pretty confident that I was going to drop the bar on my throat. Luckily, I threw such a herculean avian effort into it that the bar missed, and landed on a rack just above my skull, where I took a sec to catch my breath and then threw the bar up for the final rep and into its proper, higher up, rack.

Pec Fly(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was barely able to do it, but I done did it, son. >:D

Abdominal Fuse (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was out of breath the entire time, but I did it, I did it steady, and I did it with 60 different shades of Focus and D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

Leg Extension(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I made this exercise, with this increased weight, my bitch. I would've considered myself surprised...but I was just so lost in my own Germanrage at the moment that I accepted it in and flew on to the next exercise.

Seated Leg Curl(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I kept accidentally slamming the weight again...but I was so at one with the Rage-Force that I just didn't care.

Leg Press (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I flew right through this one. 80 lbs? More like NOT ENOUGH LBS, eh?! >:D

Chest Press(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I huffed, snarled, and growled my way straight through this one, smooth as silk, and flew straight on to the next one.

Shoulder Press(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. This one didn't do nothin' to slow me down either. Every other upward push I huffed, and every other upward push I puffed. And before I knew it, 30 reps were done.

Lateral Pull-Down (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was still centered with the rage-force while I did this one. I only barely remember completing the 30th rep and not really feeling taxed for it.

Lower Back Fuse(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. E-Z-P-Z. I did it, I moved on.

Seated Row(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Sheer dehydration and exertion began to catch up to me here. I kept going slack, whether I wanted to or not, every 10 reps. A few huffs and puffs, and I was ready for another 10!...Eventually, the set was done.

Bicep Curl(25 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I barely remember this one. Too much de-oxygenation and desperate curling and not enough angrygermanfocus.

Tricep Extension(30 lbs): 30 reps. 15 emphasizing the left arm, 15 emphasizing the right arm, no breaks. I was way too self conscious for this one. My shirt kept sliding up and giving everybody a view of my criminally undertoned torso while I was doing this one, no matter how high up I slid my shorts. Still. It was over soon enough.

Fingertip Pushups: 13 reps. "Oh, what's that? The thumb is still jammed after the standard two days to get back up to snuff? Nothing like a good ol' rousing round of fingertip pushups to get back into the game." And that! Is! How! It's! DONE! >:D

Bike(Cardio): 60 minutes. I had already stopped sweating long before I got to this...but I pushed some mental buttons, triggered a second wave, and went into it just as passionately mouthing the lyrics to every song on my headphones, kicking myself into violent 145 and 160 RPM frenzies for 45 and 72 second bouts, and maintaining my standard increase by 1 difficulty every 10 minutes, going from level 6 to 11. Ending as tired as I started; which is to say...staggering around like a zombie...but liable to snap into another berzerk fit if necessary.

Tonight's musics were what I sent myself into the gym with, fresh in my head. A track I had added to my mental filing cabinet about two, three years ago, and I had latched onto it then to help me get through the insane rushes of a store right on the border of Six Flags, Hidden Valley, and Santa's Magical Kingdom. It's been one of my go-to's ever since. Mettalica's "Shoot Me Again" from the Saint Anger album, one of the few decent things to come from that album ever, according to some fans of the band. Though, to hear most longterm fans of the band, the entire Saint Anger album was shit. Agree? Disagree? Give this track a try at least.

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