Want to Build a Blog Audience? Post Persistently!

in #blog6 years ago

Want to Build a Blog Audience Post Persistently-blogging-blur-business-261662.jpg
Image Source: Pexels User Pixabay

Blogs have achieved their position as a mainstay in the Internet landscape because they're just so darn versatile. Posts don't have to be just text-based, they can be videos (vlogs), photos, or a mix of each. Whether you maintain a blog for personal or professional reasons, you'd probably agree that it's one thing to have a great-looking blog, it's quite another to attract an audience to actually read said blog. Instead of strictly focusing on promoting the heck out of a few posts via social media, spend time regularly crafting new posts to generate an increase in viewership.

Crafting a Calendar

Whether you've just started your blog, or have had a blog for some time and only post sporadically, begin (or start anew) by figuring out a regular posting schedule. You can actually map out a calendar, or just make a mental note of how often you want to post. Gone are the days when a few keyword-rich posts would be the primary way of garnering traffic. Keywords are, of course, still important, but search engines respond well to blogs with frequent posts that have a (thoughtfully written) word count of 450-500+ words.

So, how frequent is frequent? It depends on the list of goals you might have for your blog. If you want it to be a source of income/a business, then 2-3 posts a week is a good goal; if you want blog subscribers, it's best not to inundate them with more than that. You could actually lose part of your audience if you post too often! Then, consider choosing certain days for those posts, and spread them out a little. For example, if you'll be posting twice a week, consider Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Planning Ahead

There are, inevitably, going to be times when you'll have to focus on other aspects of your personal or professional life. So, in those instances, sticking to a set posting schedule could be tough. That's why I'm particularly grateful for WordPress's "Schedule Post" feature. I can look at a calendar and pre-set posts for specific days and times well in advance, keeping my aspirational posting schedule intact.

Keeping the Quality

It's easy to, particularly when first starting a blog, want to populate it with lots of posts to establish an Internet presence. However, search engines are savvy, so blogs that are older than, say, a couple of months will probably get more traffic than a new blog with lots of posts all at once.

Additionally, it's important to always place quality ahead of quantity - in fact, that's how SEO lost its domination over Internet search rankings. In the early days, there were lots of "fluffy" articles promoting businesses and affiliate programs. Yet, these appalling articles fulfilled the keyword density requirements that resulted in them ranking well on major search engines. When search engines adjusted their algorithms, quality results took precedence.

Bottom line: don't stress over the posting goals you set for yourself, just, as the saying goes, move the mountain one pebble at a time. If you post about the topics that you love and know something about, things can fall into place naturally.

Content source: my own blog - please click the image below for the link!

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