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RE: You’ll Never Know What Hits the Spot

in #blog5 years ago

It's good to keep that in mind if you ever feel too smart.

I always do what I want, but I also do this for the moneys, so I can't just put up some bullshit all the time and expect it to work. Well pictures like the one on this post take minimum of 6 hours of work, so I can't just do those, it wouldn't be reasonable, I'd drive myself crazy. So I keep mixing it up.

Oh how I wish natural selection still worked.


Yes sure you are rigth: time and mental health are precious, and nobody will give them back to you!Mixing up different content is a good way to reach more people. The important thing is not sell yourself just for money and homologate to the mass.
Happy to talk with you, have a good day

Posted using Partiko Android

If I tried to please people and kiss ass, I wouldn't be this successful as I am. I do good because I am unapologetically who I am. Being real always sells better than being fake.

Yeah definitely true!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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