Back to School Source for Tired Parents

in #blog6 years ago

We can all agree that parents have a plethora of tasks on their plates daily. Back to School preparation can be the most challenging. Understanding that everything will not be perfect can eliminate stress and fatigue. Below is a list of task that will make life easier.

Take a deep breath and do not think too much! Over thinking and preparing can cause unneeded stress. First thing to do in the morning is YOU. Take a deep breath, take 5 minutes to stretch, have a healthy breakfast,...and go!


Update medical records: Be sure that immunization and yearly checkups are up to date to avoid interruptions in your busy schedule during the school year. If your child has any food allergies, now is the time to write and /or visit the school nurse, principal, teachers, and lunch faculties. Provide them with medicine and instructions should your child accidentally come into contact with allergens. This is probably the only overemphasized issue you will have all year.

Get a school planner Organizing important school dates and information will help immensely. Regularly check your school's online calendar or Board of Education websites.

Visit the school before school starts to avoid confusion and lateness on the first day.

Shop for clothes. Visit stores like Wal-Mart, JC Penney's, Lowes, and Target for practical bargains. Buy only what you need. If your child wears a school uniform, two bottoms and two shirts will get you through half the year. Also buy, 1 sweater and/or outer garment, undergarments, socks, and two pairs of shoes.

School supplies: Do not overbuy school supplies. Buy backpack, lunchbox, 2 notebooks, pencils, crayons, folders, and glue. The teacher will advise you later on additional supplies needed.

Drop off/Pick-up. If your child will be riding a school bus, be sure to get all information needed such as: driver's name, contact #, and time of arrival. Prearrange a meeting with the driver for an orientation, if possible. If you or another caregiver drops off and picks up, please be on time at the appropriate location.

Early to bed and Early to rise. Benjamin Franklin stated,

Early to bed and early to ri[se makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

This saying certainly holds true today. Getting the entire family to bed early will ensure that everyone is well rested and productive the next day. This includes YOU! Shutting down all TVs, computers, and interruptions is a sure sign for children that the day is over and bedtime is here.

By following these simple tasks, preparing for back to school can be a breeze. Keeping in mind that nothing is ever perfect, especially on the first day, will keep you grounded. You’ll be less tired and your mind will be sounded.

Have a happy and healthy first day back to school!

Great Schools Online

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