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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/04/18> Why do we celebrate the 4th of July anyway?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

You bring up a lot of great points here. Your fishing story is a good example of the ridiculous layers of bureaucracy that plague us. I wish more Americans (and many other countries) would analyze the reality of their situation and become actively engaged to bring about real change. The trouble now with the media is people aren't sure what's factual anymore. It's going to be very difficult to climb out of this hole we find ourselves in but we have to start somewhere if we want a better future for our descendants. Have you ever listened to Noam Chomsky? He cuts through the BS as good as any I've ever heard.


I am not sure if I have listened to the man you mentioned or not, the name looks familiar but if I have if has been along time ago. I will make it a point to look him up though since you have mentioned him.
The biggest problem is that we are like frogs in a cooking pot, the water started out cool and they slowly turned up the heat and we never noticed, now we are cooked and being eaten alive everyday by all the rules, laws, codes and statutes and we still think the water in the pot is the right temperature.
It goes back at two and maybe even 3 generations here were we have been in the pot, and that has everything to do with the education system phasing out civics and replacing it with government classes.

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