Six Basics to a Bug out Location

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


With the world becoming more unstable we need to think of ways to protect ourselves. What happens if the grid goes down or a bomb goes off? What happens if the ATMS stop working or we have martial law? In certain parts of the world cities will be full of chaos a prison fenced in by the interstates and gridlocked by main highway arteries.
To help some folks have considered investing in a bugout location where they may be self- sufficient. They may go to a smaller community where the danger level is less. They may also consider a hobby farm or even a tact of land where they can have peace from the chaos and destruction. This is what we call a bugout location. There are things to consider in deciding on a bugout for you and your family.

ACCESSIBILITY: This would mean both from where you are getting there. I would recommend something far from an interstate or main road. Stay away from cities. Your best bet if possible is off of a dead in gravel road.

DISTANCE: Some folks like medical professionals and other people many needed to still drive to work. Consider how far it is in miles to your employment. In certain situations it may be impractical to be too far from a metro area.

SOURCE OF WATER: A good bugout location will have more than one source of water. One may be a well. Another may be a stream or pond. A third may be harvesting rain water (grey water). Consider three sources. You may needed themcottonwoodcreek.jpg

FARMING OF FOOD: You will need a way to grow vegetables and even have an orchard of different varieties of fruit trees. Consider some chickens, sheep, hog or cow. Also consider the climate to sustain plant life. You may want to have a green house. in other words simple hunting for foul or fishing will not cut it. However you may choose to have some timber on the bugout location.


COST: You do not need the fancy mansion of buggout properties unless of course you have millions of dollars to spend. Be frugal and wise. Determine what are needs and what are wants. Choose something that is practical for your family. Know your skill set and what you can take on. You do not need the bank to be buying your land so don't get in over your head. 69310552-money-wallpapers.jpg

COMMUNITY: Determine how many folks you choose to interact with in your life in a crisis situation. Will it be your immediate family? Will it be only certain members of your circle? Are you willing to establish and invest in relationships that may pay off dividends later as part of your bugout community? What kind of neighbors will you have at your new location?

I would also add under community that communication is important. Consider brushing up on those skills. Know how to read folks non verbal communication. How much information can you trust with your neighbors? Who will you be able to barter with in a crisis situation?

Bugging out will help in a crisis situation however there is so much more to it. One must prepare and be wise . Take time now and plan for tomorrow. Practice a drill and fine tune your escape. It will pay off in the end.

If you enjoyed it, please upVote and a BIG THANK YOU FOR READING


Love it Troy - great post. At this stage I am prepared for a bug-in, though often considering a means for bugging out. These are good tips for me to keep in mind as I ponder SHTF. Thank you. SirKnight.

Thanks so much I forgot to say be sure to upvote and pass it on. We are on the same page again thanks. - Troy

move to your ideal bugout location.

Definitely! Thanks for reading. - Troy

Enjoyed the post very much. Made the move to a rural area 5 years ago. Got some land, garden, chickens, two different water sources, fruit trees, blueberry bushes and 65 blackberry bushes. upvoted and followed @cullyguy

Thanks so much I will follow you as well. You are smart to move to a rural area. I have another place to go as well. However I still need to get that hobby farm. It makes a lot of sense to me I love berry bushes and have some but cannot find mulberry bushes. I will be posting a variety of subjects from prepping to money, music, poetry, art etc. I will share a post of a painting you may enjoy if you like animals and the outdoors. The link is below

I get a lot of stuff from Burnt Ridge Nursery. That's where I got my mulberry from.

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