Chess Puzzle of the Day (Feb 7, 2020) | Problema de ajedrez del día (7-Feb-2020)

in #blog5 years ago

♔♞♙ Chess Puzzle of the Day

puzzle position | posicion del problema

*** Black to play and checkmate ***

The black pieces are a little invasive and although they lack complete development, white pieces suffer from a similar evil, and to make matters worse, they are on the ropes in this position. White threatens to simplify with Nxf6+, relieving the pressure, but it is Black's turn and he can avoid it by following a continuation where White is powerless. Enough talk, the problem is more or less simple, solve it!

Do you want to exercise your tactical skills a little? Then solve this chess puzzle. Indicate the correct move and a full continuation. If you want, you can point out the tactical motives and other patterns present.

I also want to invite you to participate in the weekly #SteemChess tournament, promoted by @schamangerbert and held every Saturday through If you play chess online, join in! Free registration.
Join the SteemChess server on Discord

More information about this series of posts.

♔♞♙ Problema de ajedrez del día

puzzle position | posicion del problema

*** Juegan negras y dan mate ***

Las piezas negras están un poco invasivas y aunque les falta completar su desarrollo, de un mal similar sufren las blancas, y para peor, pues están contras las cuerdas en esta posición. Las blancas amenazan con simplificar con Cxf6+, aliviando la presión, pero es turno de la negras y lo pueden evitar siguiendo una continuación donde las blancas están impotentes. Basta de palabrerías, el problema es más o menos sencillo. ¡Resuélvelo!

¿Quieres ejercitar un poco tus habilidades tácticas? Entonces, ¡resuelve este problema de ajedrez! Señala la jugada correcta y una completa continuación. Si lo deseas, puedes señalar los motivos tácticos y demás patrones presentes.

También quiero invitarte a participar en el torneo semanal de #SteemChess, promovido por @schamangerbert y celebrado todos los sábados a través de Si juegas ajedrez en línea, ¡anímate a participar! Inscripción gratuita.
Únete al servidor de SteemChess en Discord

Más información sobre esta series de posts.


So You are professor In Computer Science? Which branches do You like? Algorithms/graphs/automata theory/networks/operating systems/logic/etc?
I study math but I'm quite into graph theory and discrete math.
Do You prefer Windows or Linux? Sorry if questions are too personal but I like to know who is my friend :)

Yes, algorithms and programming is my thing. I'm also a Linux user as I am a open source software fan!

Nice to hear that. I've just started reading book about usage of Eliptic Curves in Cryptography. I really appreciate that You are into open software. I'm stuck to Windows - I'm a little bit afraid to install linux for a first time alone, and I cant check time with a friend so he can show me it. My PC is also to weak to run Linux with satisfiable performance on Virtual Machine.

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