A Bit Of History - If You Give Them an Inch...

in #blog6 years ago


How modernity has evolved so many of the things we do. The modern concept of freedom that perhaps began with the rave of America's revolution, later spreading to other nations - probably hasn't been experienced since the early days. Modern day slavery still very much exists with State control. It is baffling how something that represented such a beacon is slowly robbing that hope away. Everytime the state demands a little bit more, and seeks to pry a bit deeper at the expense of completely violating individual freedoms.

That was how the history of child welfare began and has evolved over the years into the cracken we have now with spreading overreach.

Anti Cruelty Societies
The modern day need for child welfare began with the rise of anti cruelty societies in 1877. This was after a foreign nurse identified severe abuse on the child she administered treatment to (Mary Ellen) , calling for some kind of protective measures. The first anti cruelty society formed was the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Although they enjoyed public backing, they were predominantly private associations that in most cases attempted to assist families with the society in Massachusetts gaining a bit of popularity for taking measures in trying to educate and support families rather than seperate them.

Emerging CPS and First Government Apperance
A lot more voluntary organizations were formed in the 20s by religious bodies and private individuals. Juvenile courts, Family welfare services and Juvenile protection associations came after the initial success and dissatisfaction of the suddenly boisterous child welfare movement.

Government first directly venutured into the child welfare arena in 1935 with the passage of the social security act. They primarily provided assistance in the form of aid to children programs that allowed needy moms get cash assistance. They also started the IV-B law which was lesser emphasized or enforced but formed the foundation basis for the later powers granted to CPS.

A Saviour is Born

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was passed in 1974, which required states "to prevent, identify and treat child abuse and neglect."

Well this opened the door to the the beginning of what we have today. Quick to establish themselves, they had to be cautioned by another law after Native Americans voiced out that they were particularly targets, probably due to culture. Other than the Indian Child Welfare Act, things pretty much remained the same until one abusive action created a justification for another overreach.

In addition to family services, the focus of federal child welfare policy changed to try to address permanence for the large numbers of foster children care. Several pieces of federal legislation attempted to ease the process of taking away parental rights, including incentives for adoption and removal with the Adoption Assistance Act; the 1988 Child Abuse Prevention, Adoption, and Family Services Act; and the 1992 Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Adoption, and Family Services Act.The 1994 Multi-Ethnic Placement Act, which was revised in 1996 to add the Interethnic Placement Provisions, also attempted to promote permanency.

The Next Phase
Of course the system wanted more, and has virtually changed the definition of what qualifies abuse over recent years. Long gone are the days of providing mere assistance to needy families, or listening to criticisms on the system, what now plays is a game of abuse, with each door opened paving way for further abuse.

Thank-you @empress-eremmy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

1996, the Child Agency was given heightened powers. And directives which placed them under executive branch.

I love how you used liberty tag, as if to point out consent. Consenting makes the game go round. Someone in my earlier posts said not to be provacative. Well, you have to fight these people tooth and nail, letting them know you do not consent!

Good read and reading your works kind of helps me articulate words with thoughts better.

Someone in my earlier posts said not to be provacative

If it comes down to winning or sounding nice, I pick winning. Telling the truth is a lot better than looking nice.

How are you holding up dear?

Doing alright, starting to get energy back! So next few days i call window period. :) because I'll start process over in few days..so as long as i fixate my mind on window period i can tell myself its not so bad. 😃

Your absolutely correct. Truth and winning is what matters.

When these things are done as a charitable cause, they seem to be helpful, but as soon as government steps in, things just go bad.

Thanks for outlining the history of this slippery slope. I hadn't realized its beginnings went back so far.

Thanks for the post, empress-eremmy.

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"Although they enjoyed public backing, they were predominantly private associations that in most cases attempted to assist families with the society in Massachusetts gaining a bit of popularity for taking measures in trying to educate and support families rather than seperate them."

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"The first anti cruelty society formed was the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children."

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