Xmas mood is on!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Christmas is my favourite time of the year.. The only thing that has changed since I was a kid is that I don't write letters to Santa anymore. And if I wrote any, I would hand it directly to my parents as they were for years and years Santa's assistants and never disappointed me.

So yesterday we decorated the christmas tree and this is always a special day for me. I love listening to my favourite christmas songs, lighting my candles and creating a perfect atmosphere for this unique day.

However this year, we had a little distraction during this procedure.. There was someone who was excited, but for a different reason. Someone who got obsessed with Santa's beard and wouldn't let go. Obviously I'm talking about my dog, Phoebe, who was more in a "Grinch" mood and wanted to destroy all the joy and fun, as well as the tree and the ornaments. This little goblin who decided that the house doesn't need all these. So this time the decorations became a bit more challenging -and they still are since she won't stop till the tree falls down and Santa becomes beardless.

If we overlook those obstacles though, the christmas spirit may be left with no nose or ears this year, but it's still here making everything more beautiful and sparkly...


And this year have you been naughty? or nice?

Especially this year, I did my best to be the best :))

Well then, you must be looking forward to the awesomemost scrumtydeliciousmost supercalilifragilisticmost Xmas ever!

hahah!! :)))) I hope so!! :)))

You have to believe! (otherwise it doesn't work)

That's true... However sometimes there is a tiny part in us that still doubts.. I'll try to change its mind :)

Χαχα είναι η πιο ωραία εποχή του χρόνου αλλά είναι και πιο ακριβή... :)

Ισχύει κι αυτό (ειδικά αν πρέπει να εκτελείς και χρέη Άγιου Βασίλη :P)... Όμως εξακολουθούν να είναι υπέροχα!! :))

Christmas is wonderful. Regards!

καλές γιορτές !

Καλές γιορτές, με υγεία και χαρά!!! :)

where are the photos of your dog?? happy holidays

I was too busy chasing her and I didn't take a photo :) Holly Jolly Xmas!!! :))

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